Educated Unemployed – A Peculiar Problem of India

India’s educated young are confronted with severe challenges one of them is educated unemployment. The causes of educated unemployment could be due to a variety of factors, the most common of which is a lack of job opportunities. This can also happen when there are a significant number of people but few job openings and employers. Among the educated youth, there has been an unsettling period of widespread unemployment. Graduates and post-graduates are stumbling from pillar to pillar in quest of work. Besides this, the country’s economic growth is also directly related to such issues, due to the downfall of economic growth, the rate of unemployment or underemployment increases.

Unsecured employment,’ ‘poor salary, ‘stressful workplace,’ and the job-qualification mismatch appear to be the most common causes for discontent with a present job. Both educated and uneducated people are affected by unemployment, but educated people are affected more than the uneducated ones else, because of their education, they prefer to work in their desired area.

In India, Educated Unemployed is a major social issues. The Cause of Educated Unemployment indicates that individuals are willing to work but are unable to do so since there is no suitable job available for them. The problem of unemployment is one of the most major causes of India’s poverty and backwardness. According to a study, India’s youth unemployment rate has been hovering around 22% for the past decade. According to the government data, there were 31 million jobless people in India as of September 2018. The figures are hotly debated. According to the recent data, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate in India rose to 10.3% in Oct-Dec 2020.

Some of the Major Reasons to Address this Issue:

1. Increased Unemployment Among Graduates and Post-graduates: 

Every year new colleges are being established rather than changing the quality and pattern of education which contains a lack of job-oriented education and practical knowledge. Lakhs of graduates and postgraduates are passing out each year by our educational institutions. Due to fewer opportunities, suitable jobs are not available for all of them and this is one of the major causes for the increases in educated unemployment.

Recent data reveals that one-third of the country’s skilled youth are unemployed. In August, the unemployment rates for the age groups 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 years were 67.21 percent, 45.28 percent, and 13.24 percent, respectively.

2. Old Education System as Per the Current Requirement:

The current education system is lacking practical knowledge. In most skill-based courses, such as engineering, IT, etc. practical knowledge is more essential than academic understanding. Experiments in laboratories, projects, assignments, and other forms of practical work are generally useful for getting jobs in various project-based fields. In those types of subjects, only theoretical knowledge is pointless.

3. Shortage of Manpower:

Skilled and knowledgeable human resources make efficient use of all resources available to them, increasing a country’s productivity and wealth. They are well-versed in the use of modern technologies and hence contribute to a country’s progress. A skilled workforce is required to carry out a variety of development tasks. Educated unemployed is impacting a huge number of young skillful people, with higher levels of education. In the past 20 years, the economy is rising but it is unclear if employment prospects have improved than they are in countries where the economy is stagnant. And if this trend continues, India’s labor force will dwindle with time. Manufacturing, e-commerce, logistics, construction, and real estate, for example, are experiencing a 20-25 percent labor shortage, according to employment experts and CEOs of significant corporations. It is critical to solve this issue of educated employment in order to avoid a reduction in our country’s manpower.

4. Migration of actual assets:

The movement of people from their home state to another state for the purpose of finding work is known as labor migration. Labor is the human component in the creation of goods and services in an economy. There is a bunch of labor migration and a lot of individuals working in other nations as a result of high unemployment in India. When a country’s workforce migrates from one location to another, not only do people migrate but our country’s skills and technologies do as well. There is a surplus of manpower in certain fields, while there is a scarcity of labor in others. The reasons for this include unemployment among technically trained people whose technical education falls short of industrial standards, resulting in a shortage of skilled labor. 

Sometimes, people are being motivated by their friends and family to seek jobs overseas for better opportunities, if this trend continues, the country’s true asset will be depleted. Since such people continue to assume that employees would not be accessible in India, they prepare themselves to work abroad for jobs from the beginning of their careers.

5. Slow Economic Growth:

When unemployment rates are consistently high, it has a negative impact on long-term economic growth. Unemployment wastes resources create redistributive pressures and distortions, increases poverty, limits labor mobility, and exacerbates social unrest and conflict. In April 2020, unemployment in India had risen to over 24%, and “Educated unemployment” is, therefore, a crisis that defines millennials more than any other demographic group of our country.

6. Zero Functional Literacy and Market Knowledge:

Functional literacy has a good impact on working full-time for both men and women. If educated individuals do not receive a fair wage, they will be less inclined to work for that firm or industry. In such cases, the factory owner also prefers to find low-cost workers for his own profit. So that there will be less knowledgeable people to produce something and this may result in misuse of economic resources as well. Highly trained individuals are left behind, while the country continues to produce using the same old methods. It has a direct impact on “innovation” and “research and development” as well.


Lack of self-awareness is the primary cause of Educated unemployment. People are unsure of their own talents, skills, and passions, so they try things that aren’t a good fit for them and fail because they follow marketing trends blindly. Because of the large number of people working in the same field, it is impossible to offer desired jobs to everyone, owing to the large population. Due to educated unemployment hypertension, heart issues, psychoneurosis, depression, and suicide are all on the rise among people having age 22-40 years, as are other undesirable behaviors such as joining anti-social organizations. These actions are intended as a kind of retaliation against a society that has caused the youth to acquire poor self-esteem as a result of unemployment or inability to contribute to society. The suicide rate among the Educated unemployed has been gradually rising. The government should provide employment-related job-oriented courses or programs which would benefit job seekers people access to find work. For the overall economic benefits of our country, Govt. could boost employment by growing the skilled workforce that can fill new in-demand jobs by Investing in career-focused training and associated economic changes that lead to new skill demands of the Global workforce.