Education System of China

The Education System of China: China has the world’s most extensive education system, featuring nearly 260 million students and over 15 million teachers in around 514,000 schools. The government of China controls the education system under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, which includes six years of elementary school, starting around age six and ending at age twelve, followed by three years of middle school and high school. The Ministry of Education guides the system with laws, plans, and budgets.

The article will discuss the education system in China in much detail.

The Chinese Education System: Overview

The Chinese education system follows elementary, middle, and high school. The table below will brief the age criteria of each stage of education in China.






















Chu-1 (7th)


Middle school

Chu-2 (8th)


Middle school

Chu-3 (9th)


Middle school

Gao-1 (10th)


High school

Gao-2 (11th)


High school

Gao-3 (12th)


High school

Structure of the Chinese Education System

In China, primary education covers three main stages:

Pre-School Education in China

Preschool education lasts for three years. In 1985, China decided to make preschool education better. They wanted to have preschools for 3-year-old children in different places like buildings from public groups. The government told each organization to care for its preschool, making it part of its services. The cost of preschool depended on what services were given. The government also passed the orders that only well-qualified and trained teachers should be appointed to care for kids.

Primary Education in China

Children aged seven are admitted to primary school with a two-semester school year. The primary school curriculum included Chinese, mathematics, physical education, music, drawing, and general knowledge of politics and moral training.

The main features of Primary education in China include the following:

  • The Law on Nine-Year Compulsory Education made primary schools tuition-free, and children attended schools in their neighborhoods.
  • Parents pay a small fee for books and other little expenses.
  • Foreign languages like English were introduced in the system.
  • Students from low-income families received stipends.
  • The language taught in primary schools in China is Mandarin Chinese.

Secondary Education in China

The secondary education system in China allows students to choose between two streams, mainly vocational senior secondary classes of four years or general academics and senior secondary courses of three years. Those opting for available academics must pass an entrance test based on the middle school syllabus. After this, students aiming for post-secondary education must take the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, commonly known as the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE).

Vocational Education in China

These programs focus on specific subjects and occupations, preparing graduates for direct entry into the jobs available in the country. These programs are job-oriented and offer opportunities for higher studies, especially in technical and vocational fields. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education has allowed graduates from vocational secondary schools to take the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) for admission to higher education programs.

Tertiary Education System in China

This higher level of education, including bachelor’s and doctoral degrees, is open to international students, including students from the country within. Students with outstanding academic records may receive scholarships. Tertiary education in China is competitive and challenging. Private colleges, included in the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), admit students who can afford tuition fees.

History of the Chinese Education System

China has the world’s oldest formal education system, dating back around two millennia. The history behind the Chinese education system is specified in the points below:

  • China’s education and examination system was established during the Han era (206 BCE to 220 CE).
  • The early focus of the Chinese education system was improving the literacy rate, which was only 20-40%.
  • China’s education system is based on meritocracy, which means focussing on the rewards of individuals based on their abilities and achievements.
  • The Communist government improved literacy by increasing the number of formal schools and conducting various educational campaigns.
  • China’s education system showcases the growth journey, connecting its historical past with the need to develop talent for economic progress.
  • Gaokao, or National College Entrance Examination, is a significant test in China that determines a student’s eligibility for university admission.

Laws for the Chinese Education System

The Chinese government considers education crucial for national development. Various laws and regulations are passed to guide and monitor education nationwide. Some of the Laws are listed below in points:

  • The 1986 Law on Compulsory Education was a precious stone ensuring all school-age children have the right to compulsory education.
  • Parents are responsible for ensuring their children complete nine years of compulsory schooling.
  • In 2015, the law specified that textbooks should be priced only at a marginal profit
  • The law covers some compulsory rules for schools, teachers, teaching, learning, education financing, and legal responsibilities of the education system in China.
  • The Ministry of Education established the Department of Comprehensive Reform to advance education reform, which will look after strategies and policies to improve the education system.

Funds for the Chinese Education System

China’s education funding mainly comes from the state budget, with contributions from the central and local treasuries. Over the last decade, China has consistently increased its investment in education, growing at an average rate of 19%.

Government laws and policies maintain this upward trend, particularly the Education Law, which requires higher government allocations for education at all levels in proportion to the national economic growth.

The State Council, a governing body in China, decides how much the education budget should increase, ensuring continuous growth in the amount spent on each student’s education and the salaries of teachers.

International Education in Chinese Universities

Many universities in China offer admission to various students from other countries. The main features of international education in China are listed below.

  • China has top-notch international schools in major cities like Shanghai and Beijing.
  • These schools offer English, German, French, Spanish, etc. language programs, encouraging international students to seek admission.
  • The country holds the fifth rank globally in hosting international students.
  • Over 200 universities in China, including prestigious ones like Tsinghua and Peking, offer admission to students worldwide.
  • The admission procedure for international students is generally easier than for domestic students.
  • Many programs in Chinese universities require perfection in the Chinese language, but some programs encourage using english.
  • China is becoming a popular destination for students interested in international education.

Education System of China: List of Chinese Universities

The table below list the name of Chinese Universitites:



China Ranking

Ranking in World 2024



Tsinghua University





Peking University





Shanghai Jiao Tong University





Fudan University





Zhejiang University



Hangzhou, Zhejiang


University of Science and Technology of China



Hefei, Anhui


Nanjing University



Nanjing, Jiangsu


Sichuan University



Chengdu, Sichuan


Huazhong University of Science and Technolog



Wuhan, Hubei


Wuhan University



Harbin, Heilongjiang

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Chinese Education System

Advantages of the Chinese Education System:

Every education system has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the Chinese education system are given below:

  • Education in China is much more affordable than in developed countries like the US, UK, Australia, and Canada.
  • Books and study materials in China are cheaper than in other countries, reducing the overall expenses for international students.
  • The Chinese education system teaches us respect for teachers among young and older students.
  • This cultural aspect makes students pay attention to their professors and form lasting bonds with their school teachers after graduation, which is rare in other education systems in other countries.

Disadvantages of the Chinese Education System

The significant drawbacks of the Chinese education system are as follows:

  • The Chinese education system pays more attention to tests for admissions, which can be a significant drawback for students from Western countries.
  • Students must compulsorily pass the entrance exams from elementary school through college.
  • Classes in Chinese schools have 30 to 50 students, but in Western countries, only 20 students are allowed, so this creates a problem for students coming from Western countries.
  • Due to the student strength of the larger class, teachers may not pay attention to each student’s time or resources, so students are expected to study independently.
  • In China, classrooms usually have one teacher who stays with the students long. This differs from other countries where students are taught by different teachers who specialize in specific subjects.

Interesting Facts About the Chinese Education System

  • 99.4 percent of youngsters are literate in China
  • Lunch breaks in Schools in China are quite long and are usually around 1 hour long.
  • Chinese education expenditure accounts for around 4% of GDP.
  • It is quite common amongst Chinese students to clean, mop, and dust their school premises daily by themselves.


China’s education system combines old traditions with Western technologies using large schools and a broad education approach. Due to a strong economy, there’s a high demand for international schools, leading to waiting lists. China is a very famous country and is considered the best in various industries like electronics, automobiles, renewable energy, AI, and robotics, and this is because of the influential education system in China.

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The Education System of China Important FAQs

Why is China considered good in education?

Chinese education system follows the traditional pattern of education, merging it with modern technologies, and therefore, it is considered the best education pattern to follow.

How long is school in China?

Chinese education involves three years of kindergarten, six years of Primary school, and three years of secondary school, and then they are allowed to enter higher education.

How long is a school day in China?

Chinese students usually spend 8 a.m. to 3 pm at school, especially in large cities like Shanghai.

What language is taught in China?

Children in China speak Mandarin and then learn English, the official language of business.