Electrical Conductivity

Electrical conductivity is a fundamental property that measures a material’s ability to conduct electric current. It varies among materials and is influenced by factors such as temperature, material composition, impurities, and pressure. Electrical conductivity is typically measured in siemens per meter (S/m).

Electrical conductivity finds applications in electronics, power transmission, material science, environmental science, geology, biomedical fields, and more. In this article, we learn about electrical conductivity in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Electrical Conductivity?
  • Electrical Conductivity Examples
  • Electrical Conductivity of Metals
  • Factors Influencing Electrical Conductivity
  • How is Electrical Conductivity Measured?
  • Applications of Electrical Conductivity

What is Electrical Conductivity?

Electrical conductivity measures a material’s ability to conduct an electric current. In simpler terms, it describes how easily electricity can flow through a substance. Electrical conductivity is typically measured in siemens per meter (S/m). Measurement techniques for electrical conductivity include direct current (DC) methods, such as the four-probe and two-probe methods, and alternating current (AC) methods, like impedance spectroscopy and eddy current testing.

Electrical Conductivity Definition

Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material’s ability to conduct an electric current. In simpler terms, it describes how easily electricity can flow through a substance.

Electrical Conductivity Unit

The SI unit for electrical conductivity is siemens per meter (S/m). However, the ohm-1m-1 and mho/m are also used.

Electrical Conductivity Formula

Mathematically, conductivity is defined as the reciprocal of resistivity.

σ = 1/ ρ

We know the formula for resistance R=ρ(L/A), where l is the length of the conductor, A is area.

Substituting the value of ρ,

σ = L/AR

From Ohm’s law, R = V/I . Substituting the value of R,

σ = (L/A)(I/V) = (L/V)(I/A)

Rearranging, we get

I/A = V/L σ

V/L is the electric field, and I/A is the current density, denoted by J. Therefore this becomes,

J = σ E

This is the relation between current density and electric field.

From this conductivity can be defined as,

σ = J/E


  • J is current density
  • E is electric field

Electrical Conductivity Examples

The examples of some electrical conductors are:

  • Metals: The most conductive metals are copper, gold, and silver. Steel, aluminium, and iron are few more examples.
  • Mercury is an excellent liquid conductor.
  • Additional examples: Conductors include saltwater and seawater.

Electrical Conductivity of Metals

Metals are known for their high electrical conductivity compared to nonmetals. This is due to the presence of free electrons within the metallic structure. These electrons are free to move throughout the metal, allowing easy flow of electric current.

Conductivity of metals depends on factors such as temperature, impurities, and crystal structure. In general, pure metals have higher conductivity compared to alloys or impure metals. Conductivity of metals decreases with increasing temperatures due to increased electron-atom collisions.

Electrical Conductivity of some common metals are tabulated below:


Conductivity in S/m


37.7 × 106


29.8 × 106


7.74 × 106


59.6 × 106


6.78 × 106


45.2 × 106


9.93 × 106


22.6 × 106


14.3 × 106


9.66 × 106


63 × 106

Electrical Conductivity of Water

Pure water is actually a poor conductor of electricity because it is a non-metallic compound. However, water can conduct electricity when it contains dissolved ions, such as salts or acids. Water is a polar solvent and it dissociates these molecules into positively and negatively charged ions. These ions allow the flow of electric current through water.

The conductivity of water can vary widely depending on factors such as temperature, dissolved substances, and purity. Seawater has higher conductivity due to the presence of dissolved salts.

Here are some values for the electrical conductivity of water(S/m):

Seawater ⇒ 4.5 to 5.5 S/m

Water Drinking ⇒ 0.0005 to 0.05 S/m

Deionized Water ⇒ 5.5 × 10-6 S/m

The electrical conductivity of water is often used as an indicator of its purity or level of contamination. Distilled water with low conductivity is typically considered suitable for many industrial and laboratory applications. Water with higher conductivity may indicate the presence of dissolved ions or contaminants.

Factors Influencing Electrical Conductivity

Several factors influence the electrical conductivity of a material:

Temperature’s Impact on Conductivity

Temperature affects conductivity differently depending on the material. In metals, conductivity typically decreases with increasing temperature due to increased electron-atom collisions. In semiconductors, however, conductivity generally increases with temperature due to more free charge carriers being generated.

The Role of Material Composition in Conductivity

The inherent properties of a material play a significant role in determining its electrical conductivity. Metals generally have high conductivity due to their high density of free electrons, while insulators have low conductivity because they lack free-moving electrons.


The presence of impurities in a material can significantly affect its conductivity. Impurities can introduce additional charge carriers or scattering centers, altering the material’s conductivity. For example, doping semiconductors with specific impurities can dramatically change their conductivity, making them useful for electronic devices.


Pressure can affect the arrangement of atoms and electrons in a material, thereby influencing its conductivity. In some cases, increasing pressure can increase conductivity by altering the material’s electronic structure.

Types of Materials Based on Conductivity

Materials can be classified into three broad categories based on their electrical conductivity:


The characteristics, examples, applications of conductors are :

  • Characteristics: Conductors have a high density of free electrons that can move easily in response to an electric field. This enables the efficient flow of electric current through the material with minimal resistance.
  • Examples: Metals such as copper, silver, gold, aluminum, and iron are excellent conductors of electricity.
  • Applications: Conductors are widely used in electrical wiring, circuitry, power transmission lines, and various electronic components where low resistance and high conductivity are required.


The characteristics, examples, applications of Insulators are :

  • Characteristics: Insulators have very low electrical conductivity, meaning they impede the flow of electric current. This is due to their lack of free electrons or tightly bound electrons, which makes it difficult for charge carriers to move through the material.
  • Examples: Materials such as glass, rubber, plastic, ceramic, and wood are insulators.
  • Applications: Insulators are used to isolate electrical components, prevent the flow of current in unwanted directions, and provide electrical safety. They are commonly found in electrical insulation, protective coatings, and insulating materials for cables and electronic devices.

Semiconductors – Bridging the Gap Between Conductors and Insulators

  • The characteristics, examples, applications of Semiconductors are :
  • Characteristics: Semiconductors have an intermediate level of electrical conductivity between conductors and insulators. Their conductivity can be significantly altered by factors such as temperature, doping, and applied voltage.
  • Examples: Silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, and various semiconductor compounds.
  • Applications: Semiconductors are fundamental to modern electronics, serving as the basis for transistors, diodes, integrated circuits, and other semiconductor devices.

Difference Between Electrical Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity

Here are some differences between electrical conductivity and electrical resistivity:


Electrical Conductivity

Electrical Resistivity


Electrical conductivity measures how well a material can conduct electricity.

Electrical resistivity measures how much a material resists the flow of electricity.


Electrical conductivity is typically measured in units of Siemens per meter (S/m) or mho per meter (℧/m).

Electrical resistivity is typically measured in units of Ohm-meter (Ω⋅m).

Free electrons

Materials with high conductivity have free electrons that allow electric current to flow easily.

Materials with high resistivity have very few free electrons and impede the flow of electric current.

Temperature Dependency

Electrical conductivity of metals typically decreases with increasing temperature.

Electrical resistivity increases with increasing temperature.

How is Electrical Conductivity Measured?

Measurement techniques for electrical conductivity can be categorized into following types

Both methods have their advantages and are suited for different applications. Here’s an overview of each:

Direct Current (DC) Methods

Direct Current (DC) Methods of finding electrical conductivity includes

  • Four-Point Probe Method
  • Two-Probe Method

Let’s discuss them in detail

Four-Point Probe Method

Four Point Probe method involves applying a known DC voltage across two outer probes (current-carrying probes) and measuring the resulting current. Two inner probes (voltage-sensing probes) are used to measure the voltage drop along the sample. By measuring both the voltage drop and the current, the resistance of the sample can be calculated using Ohm’s law. From the resistance, the conductivity of the material can be determined.

Two-Probe Method

In this simpler method, a known DC voltage is applied across the sample, and the resulting current is measured using two probes. The resistance of the sample is calculated using Ohm’s law, and conductivity is determined from the resistance.

Alternating Current (AC) Methods

Lets discuss Alternating Current (AC) Methods

AC Bipolar Method

This technique involves applying an AC signal through two bipolar electrodes and measuring the resulting voltage drop across the material. Measurements are performed over a range of frequencies to obtain the frequency-dependent conductivity (impedance spectroscopy). Advantages of the AC bipolar method include its simplicity, as it requires only two electrodes, and its ability to measure conductivity accurately in materials with high impedance or low conductivity.

Electromagnetic Induction Method

This method relies on inducing eddy currents in a conductor using a varying magnetic field. The impedance of the coil changes in the presence of the conductive material, allowing defects or variations in conductivity to be detected. By measuring the strength and phase of the induced currents, the conductivity of the material can be determined. This technique is often used for non-destructive testing of conductive materials, such as metals.

Comparison between AC and DC methods

DC methods measure resistance directly using a constant voltage, providing a single measurement without frequency dependency. They are simple but may lack sensitivity for materials with nonlinear conductivity. AC methods measure impedance with varying frequencies, offering frequency-dependent information and higher sensitivity. They are more versatile but require specialized equipment. The choice depends on material properties, accuracy needs, and measurement requirements.

Applications of Electrical Conductivity

Electrical conductivity has numerous applications across various fields, including:

Electrical Conductivity in Electronics and Wiring

Conductive materials like copper, aluminum, and gold are essential for manufacturing electrical components such as wires, connectors, and printed circuit boards (PCBs). These materials enable the efficient transmission of electrical signals in electronic devices like smartphones, computers, and televisions. Copper and aluminum are used in power transmission lines to transport electricity over long distances with minimal energy loss. Conductivity is crucial for reducing resistive losses and ensuring efficient energy transfer.

Importance in Material Science and Engineering

Electrical conductivity is a key parameter in materials science research and development. Understanding the electrical properties of materials helps in designing new materials for specific applications, such as conductive polymers for flexible electronics or superconductors for high-efficiency energy transmission.

Applications in Environmental Science and Geology

In environmental science, conductivity measurements are employed in water quality monitoring, soil assessment, and environmental remediation efforts. In geology, conductivity surveys aid in groundwater exploration, geothermal resource mapping, and mineral exploration. Monitoring earth processes and assessing environmental hazards are also facilitated by electrical conductivity measurements. Overall, its versatility contributes significantly to understanding and managing Earth’s surface and subsurface environments for sustainable development and hazard mitigation.

Biomedical Applications

Electrical conductivity plays a role in biomedical applications such as bioimpedance measurements, which assess tissue properties for medical diagnostics and monitoring. Additionally, conductive materials are used in electrodes for applications like electrocardiography(ECG) of the heart and electroencephalography(EEG) of the brain.

Enhancing and Modifying Electrical Conductivity

Enhancing and modifying electrical conductivity can be achieved through various techniques and approaches. Some common methods include:

  • Doping involves introducing specific impurities into a material to alter its electrical properties. In semiconductors, doping can increase conductivity by introducing additional charge carriers(electrons or holes).
  • Alloying involves mixing a base metal with other elements to enhance electrical conductivity by modifying the crystal structure or electron mobility within the material.
  • Heat treatment techniques such as annealing can remove defects, dislocations, and impurities, leading to improved conductivity in metals and semiconductors.
  • Surface treatments such as electroplating or surface coatings can modify the surface properties of materials to enhance conductivity. For example, applying a thin layer of highly conductive metal like silver or gold onto a substrate can improve its surface conductivity.

Conclusion: Electrical Conductivity

Electrical conductivity is a fundamental property measuring a material’s ability to conduct electricity. It is influenced by factors like temperature, pressure, material composition and impurities. Based on conductivity, materials are classified into conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. Measurement methods for conductivity include DC and AC methods, each with its own characteristics. Applications span electronics, material science, environmental science and geology. Enhancing conductivity involves techniques like doping, annealing, and alloying.

FAQs on Electrical Conductivity

What is Electrical Conductivity?

Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material’s ability to conduct an electric current. It describes how easily electricity can flow through a substance.

What is SI Unit of Electrical Conductivity?

The SI unit for electrical conductivity is siemens per meter (S/m).

What is the Formula of Electrical Conductivity?

The following is the formula for electrical conductivity : σ = 1/ρ = l/AR, where ρ is the resistivity, R is the resistance, l is the length of the conductor and A is area.

What are the Three Types of materials based on Electrical Conductivity?

Materials can be classified into three types based on their electrical conductivity:

  • Conductors that have high electrical conductivity.
  • Insulators that have low electrical conductivity.
  • Semiconductors have an intermediate level of electrical conductivity between conductors and insulators.

How is Electrical Conductivity measured?

Electrical conductivity can be measured using conductivity meter and probe