Emertech Innovations Interview Experience for Front-End Developer

Recently, I had the opportunity to go through a frontend interview process with a promising startup my . The experience was both challenging and rewarding, providing me with valuable insights and showcasing my skills in JavaScript and React.js. In this article, I will share my interview journey, from the initial screening to receiving a job offer.

Round 1: Screening:

The first round of screening involved a preliminary assessment of my skills and qualifications. It was an introductory discussion where I shared my background, experience, and projects I had worked on. This round aimed to evaluate whether my profile aligned with the company’s requirements and gave us a chance to get to know each other better.

Round 2: Technical Interview:

The second round of the interview process was the technical evaluation. I faced a panel of three interviewers who posed different questions related to JavaScript and React.js. I was determined to impress them with my in-depth knowledge and understanding. I engaged actively, ensuring my answers reflected not only my technical expertise but also my problem-solving abilities and coding methodologies.

The interviewers were particularly impressed when I shared various methodologies and best practices for JavaScript and React.js development. However, during the subsequent MCQ-based questions, I stumbled upon one wrong answer. Instead of being disheartened, I took the opportunity to explain my reasoning and acknowledge the correct answer. The interviewers appreciated my honesty and willingness to learn from my mistakes.

Throughout the interview, we shared moments of laughter when some of my codes didn’t work as expected, despite being technically correct. We collectively recognized the quirky nature of the compiler and moved forward with the discussion. Despite minor setbacks, the interview progressed smoothly.

Additionally, I was given coding tasks to write React.js code. Although I successfully completed the tasks, there was a small oversight on my part: I forgot to pass an array to the useState hook. However, during the interview, one of the interviewers quickly noticed the error, and we had a constructive discussion about it. Furthermore, there was another question that I couldn’t recall the exact name of, but I explained the process and concepts behind it, leaving a positive impression on the interviewers.

Post-Interview Reflection:

After the interview concluded, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension about the outcome. To address any concerns and showcase my dedication, I promptly wrote an email explaining why my code didn’t work as expected. I highlighted the oversight and provided a corrected version. It was essential for me to demonstrate my commitment to improvement and attention to detail.

Round 3: Building a Project from Scratch:

To my delight, a few minutes after sending the email, I received a call from the company expressing appreciation for my honesty and willingness to rectify the oversight. They invited me to the final round, where I was tasked with building a project from scratch. This practical challenge allowed me to demonstrate my skills in a real-world scenario, showcasing my ability to translate concepts into functional applications.

Job Offer:

After successfully completing the project, the startup offered me a job! The journey, starting from the screening round to the final project, had been filled with learning opportunities and growth. It was immensely gratifying to know that my dedication, knowledge, and perseverance paid off.


Going through the front-end interview process with the startup was a memorable experience. It taught me the importance of technical proficiency, adaptability, and humility. Throughout the various interview rounds, I strived to showcase my skills, learn from my mistakes, and communicate effectively. Ultimately, the offer I received validated my hard work and commitment to the field and I look forward to learning and growing as a frontend developer.