Emicon Advisory Services Interview Experience For Software Engineer

Emicon Advisory Services, a well-known entity in IT consulting, specializes in Oracle Cloud Applications. Their proficient team guarantees excellent service across Business and Technology Consulting, Systems Integration, Software Development, and other areas.

Interview Process:

Emicon structured its on-campus recruitment into three phases. The first phase comprised technical and puzzle-based questions, followed by a combination of behavioral and technical interviews second phase, and a final phase covering both personal and technical aspects. The comprehensive interview process spanned approximately 7 hours, accommodating multiple students alongside me.

  • In the first phase of the interview, Emicon focused on OOP concepts like encapsulation, abstraction, abstract versus interface, overloading, overriding, keywords like ‘this’ and ‘final,’ and polymorphism. Their puzzle questions were similar to ones available on platforms like w3wiki, so preparing with those resources was helpful for the interview.
  • In the second phase of the interview, Emicon began by requesting a self-introduction. Following that, they posed a straightforward logic-based question related to strings and palindromes. Additionally, they inquired about details from your resume, including hobbies, strengths, and specifics about the projects you’ve worked on.
  • In the third or final phase of the interview, the interviewer started with a self-introduction, followed by discussions about projects. The technical aspect of this phase included questions related to creating a triangle pattern, basic-level array-related queries, and SQL-based questions encompassing concepts like ORDER BY, aliases, joins LIKE, IN, and HAVING.

Additionally, the interviewer brought up a discussion about a friend already employed in that company and inquired about why you hadn’t secured placement yet. Toward the end, they shared details about the company and asked specific questions related to the organization. This phase seems to have combined technical assessment, company knowledge evaluation, and an exploration of your circumstances regarding job placement.

Preparation tips:

I suggest starting with the basics: get comfortable with OOP concepts, learn SQL basics, and tackle simple DSA questions, especially those related to arrays. w3wiki has these questions categorized by difficulty. Practice basic programs like palindromes, Fibonacci series, and prime numbers. When introducing yourself, stay confident, highlight your projects well, and talk about your skills in programming languages without getting nervous.


The Emicon Advisory Services interviews were a big confidence boost. Facing different interviews in one day showed I can handle tough situations. Learning from various styles, I feel more confident for future interviews. This experience taught me a lot and made me feel ready for whatever comes next.