Energy Conservation

Depending on its nature, energy is divided into several categories. The term “energy conservation” refers to the practice of lowering energy use. Energy conservation methods are being used to lessen the environmental impact on society. Always keep in mind that conserving energy directly benefits the environment. Energy is valuable, as we all know. Energy cannot be generated or destroyed, but it may be changed into many forms. The following are the finest instances of energy changing from one form to another:

  • A musical instrument is a device that transforms sound energy into electrical energy.
  • Solar panels are used to convert solar energy to electricity. 
  • The windmill’s shafts revolve in order to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. 

Energy plays an important role in the development of the economy. Energy is required by every sector of the national economy, whether agricultural, industrial, transportation, commercial, or domestic. Since independence, economic measures to enhance energy levels have been devised in order to make this operational or effective. As a result, total energy consumption in the country has been steadily growing. As energy consumption continues to rise, there is an urgent need to design a sustainable energy development route. Some programs have been implemented, such as the promotion of energy savings and the use of renewable resources, which may be viewed as complementary pillars of sustainable energy. 

“Energy conserved is energy created,” after all. We must be cautious in our use of energy resources since they are finite. For example, instead of driving a car, utilize public transportation and turn off the energy when not in use. 

Energy Conservation

Renewable Energy for Conservation of Energy

The energy that is collected from natural resources and available in abundance is known as renewable energy. Replenishment of these resources occurs naturally. Renewable resources include sunlight, wind, tides, geothermal heat, and rain. 

Fossil fuels cannot be used again and are not renewable in nature, but most of the world depends on them. In this case, a renewable source of energy is a better form of energy to use. They are sustainable in nature and are also referred to as “clean” energy. They come into existence from natural sources.

Hydroelectricity is one of the largest renewable resources in the world and is generated from water. Fast-moving water converts the force to electricity. The circular motion of the blades helps in the generation of this energy.

Windmills are used to generate wind energy; the wind force helps to move the blades in a circular motion of the turbine. An electric generator is attached to the turbine, and hence the generation of electricity happens. Conservation of water, lowering pollution, and reducing emissions of CO2 is possible with the use of renewable resources.

Law of Conservation of Energy

According to the law of conservation of energy, it means “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another.” The total energy before and after the transformation remains constant.

Energy Conservation Day has been celebrated on December 14 every year since 1991.

Best Ways to Conserve Energy in Daily Life

  • Adapt smart power strips: Do you know how much energy or electricity is spent when appliances are turned off? Appliances are referred to as phantom loads since they drain power from outlets. These smart power strips will help conserve energy and reduce phantom-load charges.
  • Refrigerators are one of the most power-hungry appliances. To save electricity, set the refrigerator to the lowest setting.
  • Saving energy by using CFL and LED lamps. Incandescent bulbs use more energy than CFL and LED bulbs.
  • Air filters should be cleaned or replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The use of energy by air conditioners and heaters is higher than that of other appliances.
  • Cleaning or changing air filters increases efficiency and reduces energy use. 
  • Use a full load in the dishwasher and washer. Each run cycle should be used to save the maximum energy possible.
  • It is possible to save a lot of energy by using a laptop instead of a desktop computer.
  • Install water-saving showerheads to save energy and conserve hot water.
  • Over a traditional oven, use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave. Utilize ceramic and glass kitchenware as well.
  • The best way method to save money on gas is to cycle. It also saves energy to walk instead of drive.
  • On a windy day, instead of using the dryer, hang garments to dry. 

Benefits of Conservation of Energy

Energy conservation helps in the following ways:

  • Lowers your utility expenses and saves you money.
  • Extends the life of fossil fuels.
  • It safeguards the environment.
  • It helps to reduce pollutants. 

Decreasing energy consumption by any means is an action plan made for the conservation of energy; which can be done by using less energy. Renewable sources of energy should be used more for conserving energy. Sunlight, wind, and water should be used more than non-renewable forms of energy. Energy-efficient products should be emphasized.

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FAQs on Energy Conservation

Q 1. What are energy conservation and its objectives?


Energy Conservation is the practise of reducing energy consumption in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve natural resources, and promote sustainability. The objectives of energy conservation are as follows:

  1. Reduce energy consumption
  2. Preserve natural resources
  3. Mitigate climate change
  4. Lower energy costs
  5. Enhance energy security
  6. Promote sustainability

Q 2. What are 4 ways to conserve energy?


There are many ways to save energy, we can start doing that from our home only.

  1. Turn Off Lights and Electronics When You Aren’t Using Them.
  2. Replace Traditional Light Bulbs with LEDs.
  3. Get a Smart Thermostat.
  4. Ensure Your Home is Properly Insulated.

Q 3. When is National Energy Conservation Day celebrated?


National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on 14th December every year.

Q 4. When was the Energy Conservation Act formulated?


Energy Conservation Act was formulated in 2001 to empower the Central Government to specify carbon credit trading scheme.

Q 5. What is the scope of energy conservation?


Two different ways of energy conservation include reducing the amount of primary energy consumption to supply useful energy supply. And secondly, reducing the use of non-essential sources of energy.

Q 6. What are the types of energy conservation?


  • Saving energy by using CFL and LED lamps. Incandescent bulbs use more energy than CFL and LED bulbs.
  • Air filters should be cleaned or replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The use of energy by air conditioners and heaters is higher than that of other appliances.
  • Cleaning or changing air filters increases efficiency and reduces energy use. 
  • Use a full load in the dishwasher and washer. Each run cycle should be used to save the maximum energy possible.

Q 7. Do CFL AND LED help in Energy Conservation?


Yes, CFL and LED help in Energy Conservation as they consume less energy than traditional lamps and help in conserving energy.