EnumMap entrySet() Method in Java

The Java.util.EnumMap.entrySet() method in Java used to create a set out of the elements contained in the EnumMap. It basically returns a set view of the enum map.



Parameter: The method does not take any parameters.

Return Value: The method returns the set view of mappings contained in this enum_map.

Below programs illustrate the entrySet() method:

Program 1:

// Java program to demonstrate entrySet() method
import java.util.*;
// An enum of gfg rank is created
public enum rank_countries {
class Enum_map {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer> mp = new 
        EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer>(rank_countries.class);
        // Values are associated in mp
        mp.put(rank_countries.India, 72);
        mp.put(rank_countries.United_States, 1083);
        mp.put(rank_countries.China, 4632);
        mp.put(rank_countries.Japan, 6797);
        // Map view
        System.out.println("Map view: " + mp);
        // Creating a new set of the mappings
        // contained in map
        Set<Map.Entry<rank_countries, Integer> > set_view = 
        // Set view of the mappings
        System.out.println("Set view of the map: " + set_view);


Map view: {India=72, United_States=1083, China=4632, Japan=6797}
Set view of the map: [India=72, United_States=1083, China=4632, Japan=6797]

Program 2:

// Java program to demonstrate entrySet() method
import java.util.*;
// An enum of gfg ranking worldwide and in india
public enum gfg {
class Enum_map {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        EnumMap<gfg, Integer> mp = new 
              EnumMap<gfg, Integer>(gfg.class);
        // Values are associated in mp
        mp.put(gfg.Global_2018, 800);
        mp.put(gfg.India_2018, 72);
        // Mapping view
        System.out.println("Mapping view: " + mp);
        // Creating a new set of the mappings 
        Set<Map.Entry<gfg, Integer> > set_view = 
        // Set view of the mappings
        System.out.println("Set view of the map: "
                                      + set_view);


Mapping view: {Global_2018=800, India_2018=72}
Set view of the map: [Global_2018=800, India_2018=72]