EnumSet range() Method in Java

The java.util.EnumSet.range(E start_point, E end_point) method in Java is used to create an enum set with the elements defined by the specified range in the parameters.


Enum_set = EnumSet.range(E start_point, E end_point)

Parameters: The method accepts two parameters of the object type of enum:

  • start_point: This refers to the starting element that is needed to be added to the enum set.
  • end_point: This refers to the last element which is needed to be added to the enum set.

Return Value: The method returns the enum set created by the elements mentioned within the specified range.

Exceptions: The method throws two types of exception:

  • NullPointerException is thrown if any of the starting or the last element is NULL.
  • IllegalArgumentException is thrown when the first element is greater than the last element with respect to the position.

Below programs illustrate the use of range() method:
Program 1:

// Java program to demonstrate range() method
import java.util.*;
// Creating an enum of GFG type
enum GFG {
public class Enum_Set_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an EnumSet
        EnumSet<GFG> e_set;
        // Input the values using range()
        e_set = EnumSet.range(GFG.The, GFG.Beginner);
        // Displaying the new set
        System.out.println("The enum set is: " + e_set);


The enum set is: [The, World, of, Beginner]

Program 2:

// Java program to demonstrate range() method
import java.util.*;
// Creating an enum of CARS type
enum CARS {
public class Enum_Set_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an EnumSet
        EnumSet<CARS> e_set;
        // Input the values using range()
        e_set = EnumSet.range(CARS.RANGE_ROVER, CARS.CAMARO);
        // Displaying the new set
        System.out.println("The enum set is: " + e_set);
