EPAM Interview Experience For Senior Software Automation Engineer

First Round: Pre-Screening: 45 minutes

  • Basic Object Oriented Programming: code-based questions on Concepts like polymorphism, data encapsulation, data hiding, abstraction, and interfaces.
  • Basic scenario-based question on testing: Eg: If you have found a bug in PRODUCTION, what measures will you take?

Suggestion: I would suggest doing quizzes from w3wiki to get in touch with all concepts of C# and Selenium subjects.

Second Round: Technical: 2 hours

OOPs related:

He asked me for definitions of below terms with example:

  • What are collections?
  • Types of collections?
  • Difference between Array and ArrayList?
  • Difference between non-generic and generic collections?
  • Difference between ref and out.
  • Difference between read-only and cons.
  • Abstract vs Interface
  • Extension methods, how to create one?
  • User-defined exception, how to create one?
  • Static keyword, final keyword, Virtual and new keyword in a method
  • Properties, how to assign value?
  • Deserialization/Serialization
  • Lazy class: How to use it in the Automation framework?
  • Singleton pattern and Factory pattern with implementation


  • What are the different types of IWebdriver methods?
  • Window handle/ IFrame: syntax
  • Actions vs Action class: Difference between build and publish.
  • Automation framework – architecture – components – version: What is the structure?
  • Interfaces in Selenium Webdriver
  • BDD – Specflow
  • Pass table/example in Specflow
  • Data-driven testing
  • API Testing – Steps with Rest Assured – status code – Endpoint- authentication- access token – path parameter/query parameters