EPAM Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

ABOUT COMPANY: EPAM is one of the dream-job for freshers nowadays which is getting exponentially popular. This is a product-based company where you’ll provide end-to-end solutions to clients and do product development being a fresher only.

As not many of the engineering students are aware of the EPAM drive completely and how to do it, I’ll just help everyone out by briefing every portion and answering the FAQs which I faced before sitting for the drive. Before you appear for your EPAM drive, make sure to go thoroughly as I’ve covered everything in detail about the organization and exams.

I’ll just start with some minor details of mine which will help you out understand where do you stand.

  • Course: Bachelor of Technology
  • Discipline: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Semester: 7th

EPAM India Recruitment Drive Details: 

  • Job role: Junior Software Engineer
  • Place: Hyderabad/ Bangalore/ Pune (You can enter your preference, but the final decision will be taken by the organization itself. )

Recruitment Process in a brief: EPAM India has one of the most uncommon selection processes which is in my opinion, the most practical. Usual recruitment processes include Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, English, Programming logic, Coding, Lateral thinking, Automata fix, etc.  

  • On the other hand, EPAM checks the candidates on their practical knowledge, conversation clarity, coding, etc. To be honest, exams consist of one day, a few hours and your abilities are checked.
  • In many exams, mostly in quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning, there are problems which don’t actually check your skills. I mean to say is, that there many problems which particularly have one way of solving that, which is known to the author.
  • Those problems do not showcase someone’s capabilities but are more theoretical. Either you know them, or you don’t. EPAM, with their unique recruitment process, judges a candidate based on perks required in real life only.OOPs Concepts.

Round 1: The 1st round is a Online test having aptitude and Coding problems  which is conducted through my anatomy portal as of today.  

  • There were 25 aptitute problems which have to be done within 30 minutes.
  • After aptitude, 1 DSA probelm have to be done within 30 minutes, DSA problem were medium level problem. Having knowledge of OOPs and Collection Frameworks is must for solving this problem.
  • I had done this problem with all test case passed.

Round 2: After the 1st round, selected candidates will receive an e-mail of selection.   

  • In my case, I received it within 2 days. 
  • For the second round also follows the pattern of the first round. But the mode of difficulty will be bit increased. There were 25 Core Java MCQs and  2 Java coding questions first one is medium, second one is hard.
  • MCQs were of 25 marks, first coding problem was worth 35 marks and second coding problem was worth 40 marks. total Marks were 100, in which i could scored 80+ marks.
  • I don’t want to reveal actual problem but can give a clue so that you can get an idea.
  • 1st coding problem was based on Sliding wndow probelm and Second problem was based on Dynamic programming. 
  • I had solved 1st coding problem with all test case passses, i.e. 12/12. and 2nd coding problem with 8/10 test cases passed.

Round 3: After completion of round 2 i got email for next round, i.e. Group Discussion round. 

  • Being from technical background and having no prior experience about GD round, it was one of the toughest round for me. But after watching several GD related videos from ‘Dr. Sandeep Patil’ and reading several GD articles from ‘Indiabix.com’, I could clear the GD round. 
  • Sometimes this round is skipped, based on the number of candidates and number of vacancies. Due to large number of applications this can also be used as mass elimination round.

Round 4: After clearing GD round i got email for next round, i.e Technical Interview round after 3 days.

In Technical round they were focusing on Core java concepts, OOPs concepts, Collection frameworks with internal implementations. They also ask me some questions from DBMS. at last they shared their screen and ask me to explain the Coding problems that i had solved during online coding round. I am not able to recall all the questions but some of the problems are as follows.

  • Your fav programming language? Why?
  • Explain OOPS concepts
  • Write coding implementation of abstraction and polymorphism.
  • Types of inheritence.
  • Java why not support multiple inheritance.
  • Interface
  • use of static keyword.
  • Final keyword.
  • Expain Access modifiers
  • Overloading and Overiding
  • What is Constructor? types of constructors?
  • Execption handling
  • Collection Frameworks
  • what do you mean by Synchronised?
  • HashMap implementation
  • Explain different Data Strcutures
  • difference between singly linked list and circular linked list.
  • explain Normalization with types.
  • explain Join
  • Explain problem solved in coding rounds.
  • and many more…

Round 5 : After clearing technical round i got email for HR round within 1 day.But my HR round was scheduled after 4 days. Question asked in HR round are as follows:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Tell me about your projects, whether it was a team project or individual.
  • Which one is better, individual project or Team project? Why?
  • Why do you want to join EPAM.
  • What if you will get into a conflit with one of your female team-member.
  • What are the leadership skills you think you have?
  • Suppose you with your one colleouge working on a project with equal participation, and you will not get credits and recognition, In this situation what will you do?
  • Tell me something that you have achieved apart from academics.
  • What are your hobbies and interests.

After 7 days, I recieved an email for selection. And a call for confirmation and next procedures.