EPAM Systems Interview Experience

I recently had an interview experience with EPAM System and the position was for C++ Lead position at Bangalore. EPAM is a US-based service-based company with good work culture and the services around 160 clients. 

I was interviewed online via  EPAM online bridge. I was interviewed by someone from outside India and he looked aged and very experienced. He seemed to have more than 20 years of experience and was mostly at an architect position. 

  • I was first asked which version of C++ I have worked on. He started with basic Object Oriented concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, etc, and went going deeper and deeper into C++ and system programming concepts. It seemed it was going in a very logical fashion. 
  • He asked me about lvalue and rvalue and then asked about move semantics.
  • He asked about static and dynamic binding in C++.  
  • I was asked about smart pointers in C++14.
  • I was asked the difference between stack and queue.
  • Then I was asked to write programs invoking the concept of stack to reverse a string using recursive function. 
  • I was also asked to find the first common node for two linked lists with a common tail and different heads. 
  • He also asked me to implement all the three conditions where both lists are equal, first greater than the second in length and lastly the first smaller than the second in length.
  • I was asked the difference between conditional variables and semaphore.
  • I was asked in which cases each of them are used.
  • I was also asked about mutex and where it is used. 
  • I was asked about spinlocks and deadlocks, how to avoid them.
  •  I was asked the difference between spinlock and a semaphore. 
  • Towards the end of the interview, I was asked about Agile Principles.
  • I was also asked about the roles and responsibilities of the Scrum Master, Product Owner etc.  
  • I was asked whether I faced any situation where there was a conflict of opinion between the client and and scrum team and how as a scrum master I would resolve it.

The interview went over the time limit of 1.5 allocated hours and it went another 10 minutes more. 

The interviewer gave me a lot of confidence to think more rationally when I was not in the right direction of thoughts for the a specific question interview he asked and gave clues when I was stuck in something.  

The overall interview experience was great. It was also a great learning experience as well.