EPOS Software and Hardware

EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) is a software system that is one of the best tools to manage all business operations effectively. By improving operations, also increases and improves the customer’s experience in turn. It basically performs all business operations such as payments, account managing, customer management, inventory management, etc. It simply manages and records all information and increasing the speed of information processing. EPOS is a combination of both EPOS Software and EPOS Hardware.

EPOS Software :

EPOS is basically a Retail Management Software that is capable of managing accounting details, financial reporting, etc. This software contains several tools such as Inventory management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Point of Sale (POS), Accounting, etc. It is one of the best software that helps to increase sales, helps one to grow their business, and improve customer experience also. There are different EPOS software available nowadays. Different types of businesses also have different requirements for functions that can help them to achieve their goal. One needs to identify the best EPOS software that will be best for their business and can help to grow their business in a more effective way. There are several benefits of EPOS software as give n below:

  • One can do a quantitative analysis of their business process.
  • Stock levels are always updated across all stores so that one can know what is available and missing in stock.
  • Can be implemented or set up on any device and can help to train your staff in minutes.
  • Helps in purchase and order processing i.e. streamline the purchasing process, enable one to create, send, and update all purchase orders.
  • Manages business operations and allow access to information from anywhere worldwide.
  • Leverage real-time insights i.e. use real-time data as soon as data is available to simply enhance efficiency, optimize business process, and improve profitability.

EPOS Hardware :

EPOS software generally records all information on hardware devices. Hardware devices can be built on computer or touch screen monitors where can input all details about orders and payments. In build, the hardware is known as core hardware. One can choose the type of hardware device depending upon their business needs. There are several hardware devices that are not inbuilt and can be added via cables or it can wirelessly also. This hardware is known as additional hardware devices Some of them are given below:

  • Tablet –
    It is a wireless hardware device with a touchscreen interface smaller than a notebook. It can be taken anywhere worldwide. Nowadays, it is widely used for the EPOS system.
  • Barcode Scanner –
    It is a hardware device and an optional scanner that usually reads printed barcodes, decodes data is contained in a barcode and identifies product details on the EPOS system.
  • Receipt Printer –
    It is widely used in restaurants, retail stores, etc. simply to print payment details, print customer receipts, etc.
  • Cash Drawer –
    It is used to manage cash and store cash. There are different cash drawers available having different sizes and configurations. One has to devise the best cash drawer for putting EPOS.

Before choosing any hardware device, make sure it is reliable and secure and does not affect the business negatively.

Types of EPOS Software :

There are several types of EPOS Software. Some of them are given below:

  • Hospitality EPOS System
  • Beauty Salon EPOS System
  • Fashion EPOS System, etc.

EPOS Advantages :

  • The EPOS system generally provides accurate data and information regarding each payment.
  • It helps one to manage stock also like it gives information regarding stocks that are available, stocks that are not available, stocks that are required, etc.
  • EPOS software simply automates each operation from scheduling to payment, inventory management, etc. and therefore reduce common human errors.
  • It also increases the speed of doing tasks such as accounting, stock management, etc.

EPOS Disadvantages :

  • Obviously, such software won’t be cheap to buy and install. They are costly but productive also.
  • Any software that is installed requires regular maintenance to avoid any type of problem. This software also requires regular maintenance.
  • Yes, it reduces the human workload but it can lead to the laziness of human beings.