ESKO Interview Experience For Software Engineering Trainee (On-Campus)

Aptitude Test

This round is an elimination round, and only the top 8 candidates where be selected for the next round.
The test will be conducted using Microsoft Forms, and candidates must submit their answers within 2 minutes to avoid automatic submission.
Candidates must score at least 70% in order to qualify for the next round.

Technical Test

This round is not an elimination round, and all candidates who pass the aptitude test will be able to participate.

The test will assess candidates’ technical knowledge and skills.

Technical Interview

This round is an elimination round, and only the 3 candidates from the technical test will be selected for the interview.

  • How OOPs is better?
  • What Is Linker?
  • What is a Compiler and running code?
  • Differences between for loop and while loop?
  • Write a code for painting a car?
  • ++i and i++ differences?
  • Basic C++ and OOPs concept should be clear