Ethical Values Faced by Day-to-Day Functioning

Ethical values help in resolving conflicts faced by an individual in his/her day-to-day functioning. For example, to maintain a healthy balance between work and family life, he/she needs to build up some sort of routine schedule that could address the demands from both ends of the spectrum, so that he/she does not face any problems later on. Thus it requires ethical values to help in resolving such kinds of problems as they come up during one’s lifetime.

Ethical Value:

Ethical Values are principles that govern behavior, such as honesty, fairness, and respect. These values help resolve conflicts when they arise. For example, if you’ve been dishonest to your friends and family about your goals and dreams for fear of being criticized, an Ethical Value would come into play. If you were honest with them about it, they would most likely be supportive and understanding.

The Conflict between Moral and Personal Goals:

Conflicts between moral and personal goals with different people are inevitable. Moral goals may be compromised by personal goals, and vice versa, as we try to balance competing obligations. Values provide us with a tool for resolving such conflict. They help us make decisions about which moral ideals should take priority and what is the most appropriate way to resolve conflicting personal goals. The resolution will depend on one’s behavior among values. For example, one’s value for autonomy might lead them to prioritize doing what they want even if it does not go along with social norms. The opposite could also happen; someone might prioritize following social norms even if it means going against their own wants or needs.

Importance of Ethics:

Ethics are important because they help us evaluate our actions and decisions. They also help us make sense of difficult situations and avoid harmingowndecideIf we were not considering our actions through an ethical lens, we might easily overlook what is right or wrong, or worse, we could be tempted to act on every impulse that comes along. 

Benefits of Having Ethical Values:

1) Knowing your Values Improves your Happiness:
Knowing your values will help you make decisions when faced with challenging decisions. You’ll have a clear idea of what’s right and wrong and won’t need to rely on other people or things to guide you. Knowing what you stand for also strengthens your sense of self and as a result, you’ll feel more confident in yourself. Furthermore, knowing your values is one way to get rid of negative emotions like anger, guilt or stress because these emotions are often caused by not living up to our own moral standards.

2) Living with Integrity Boosts Self-Esteem:
Living with integrity is important for your self-esteem because it lets you know that you’re on the right track. When you live an honest life, it gives you a sense of inner peace and contentment that is hard to find in other ways.

3) Your Life has Meaning and Purpose when you live Ethically:
It can be hard to live an ethical life, especially in a world where people are constantly trying to push you around. But the good news is that by sticking to your values, your life will have meaning and purpose. Here are 5 ways that living ethically can benefit you

4) You have Nothing to Hide:
The number one benefit to having ethical values is that you know you’re doing the right thing. You are making a positive impact on society and setting an example for others. You will always be proud of the work you do because it makes people’s lives better. Even if your business fails, at least you know that you tried to do the right thing and succeeded or failed with integrity. 
Another great benefit of having ethical values is that it will keep your employees happy and working hard.

5) An Ethical Lifestyle Reduces Stress:
When you have a clear set of values, it’s easier to know what to do when faced with ethical dilemmas. We all face them throughout the day; someone cuts you off in traffic and it’s tempting to retaliate, your boss asks you to work late one night and you know that means picking up your kids from school on time. But by following your own personal ethical code, you can make the right decision based on how you want to live.

6) Sets the Right Culture:
Set the right culture with ethical values:

  • People are more likely to be loyal to their company and stay longer.
  • Employees are happier in general, which leads to higher retention rates and a better work environment.
  • It can help the company attract talent as people will want to work for your organization if they know it cares about them.
  • The company will build trust with customers and partners.

7) Builds a Good Reputation:
People are more likely to trust and respect you when they see that you have an ethical values. This can lead to increased cooperation and honesty, which will help you in the long run. People who share your values will also be more likely to want to work with you or buy from you. You’ll be able to attract better talent because people who share your values will want to work for your company.

Role of Ethics and Values on Conflict Resolution:

As you may know, ethics is defined as the branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values. It also includes moral rules and standards. Values are something we feel to be important or meaningful. Ethics and values can play an important role in conflict resolution. For instance, if two people disagree on what to eat for dinner one night, they could decide on a third option that both of them agree on. This would be an example of how ethics and values can help resolve conflicts. Ethics and values also come into play when someone must make a decision about whether or not to go against the law. For example, sometimes doctors might have to break confidentiality agreements because there is an emergency happening where saving lives outweighs adhering to professional codes.

Ethical Conflicts Faced In Daily Life:

It is often said that life presents us with dilemmas and we must choose between either two goods or two evils. It is not as simple as it seems though, because our choices can also be bad for others. Many moral philosophies may help determine what the right course of action to take would be when faced with these difficult decisions, but I’m going to focus on those who advocate for using ethical values to make such decisions. Ethical Values are standards that dictate what is morally right and wrong. They provide people with guidance so they can live their lives according to the idea of morality. However, there is no single set of ethics that everyone agrees upon so you need to figure out which set works best for you. For example, some might feel ethically obligated to always tell the truth whereas others might feel it’s more important not to hurt someone’s feelings by telling them something they don’t want to hear even if it isn’t true.

Difference Between Ethics And Values:

Ethics are principles or standards of human conduct, while values are standards to which an individual holds themselves or others. When someone is faced with an ethical dilemma, they can use their ethics and morals to help them make their decision. For example, if you go to your friend’s house and they don’t have any food for you to eat, you may either take some food without asking permission or not take anything at all. The decision will depend on the person’s ethics and morals. If they were raised in a culture where it was okay to take food without asking, then they might feel like it would be okay to take some food. If they had been taught that stealing was wrong and that taking things from other people was wrong, then they might decide not to take anything because it would be stealing.


We’re all human, and with humans come flaws. We often take advantage of those who are weaker than us, or we act on impulses without thinking about what will happen to our future. But when we live ethically, these kinds of problems don’t happen as often. Ethical living is about being honest, kind and generous; it’s about respecting others’ property and their opinions; it’s about trying to do things that are good for not just ourselves but the people around us.