Ethosh Digital Intreview Experience for Software Developer Intership

I recently applied for an on-campus intern at ETHOSH, which is an innovation-driven (start-up) company based on AR VR, for the role of a software developer. Though the interview was not too intensive I think sharing this interview experience is worth sharing.

The names for this interview were shortlisted based on the CVs of all the students who applied for the same. The interview was conducted in two rounds:-

Technical Round: In this round, the interviewer asked questions on concepts of C++, like OOPs, Threading, Templates and their uses, etc. After this, he tried to test my problem solving skills and inquired me with two problems which were easy-to-medium level and were based on Binary Search and Graph(BFS/DFS). They were easy to which I first gave the brute force approach and eventually went to the main concept.

HR Round: It comprised of the following topics:-

  • Introduction – Here the interviewer asked me to give a brief introduction about myself and inquired regarding some topics from my introduction. The interviewer tried to make me feel comfortable for my interview.
  • CV Review – Then the interviewer asked me a question based on my CV. They were easy and were intended to test the genuineness of my CV.
  • Values, Strengths & Weaknesses – Next up was to test my behavioral values, strengths, and weaknesses to judge my compatibility with the company.
  • Why this company? – This question was a little tricky as I actually took some time to answer. The interviewer realized I was overthinking and asked me to relax and speak my mind. I feel I couldn’t answer this question quite well.
  • Question from Candidate – Finally the interviewer asked me if I have any questions for them to which I asked some general questions and ended the interview.

The result is yet to arrive, but I hope this was helpful for those who are interested to apply for the same.