Evaluate and Quote an Expression in R Programming – bquote() Function

bquote() function in R Language is used to quote the arguments passed to it, except the values which are wrapped in β€˜.()β€˜. It evaluates the wrapped values and quotes the result.

Syntax: bquote(expr)

expr: language object

Example 1:

# R program to quote an expression
# Assigning value to variable
x <- 10
# Calling bquote() Function
bquote(x == x)
bquote(x == 10)
bquote(x == .(x))
bquote(x == .(x * 2))


x == x
x == 10
x == 10
x == 20

Example 2:

# R program to quote an expression
# Assigning value to variable
z <- 10
# Calling bquote() Function
bquote(function(x, y = .(z)) x + y)
# Plotting a graph with the default value
plot(1:10, z+(1:10), main = bquote(z == .(z)))


function(x, y = 10) x + y