Evaluation of Organization

Evaluation is generally considered as an essential and important tool for improving management.

Evaluation of organization

or organizational evaluation is systematic process for obtaining or getting valid information about performance of an organization and factors that generally affect this performance. It differs from other types of evaluation simply because it only concentrates and focuses on organization as primary unit of analysis. Through evaluation of the organization, effectiveness of an organization is counted and measured in terms of its functioning, problems, and achievements from behavioural and even social points of view. The

usually represents and shows architecture of team. Project organization is also needed to evolve consistent with project plan that is captured in.


Importance of Evaluation:

  • It is needed to ensure whether objectives and goals being established are achieved or not.
  • It is needed to ensure that organization is adapting to new environments, changing technology, and even changes in other external variables so as to efficiently utilize available resources.
  • It is needed for different modes to better fulfil and complete needs of clients of institute.

The above diagram simply explains how team’s centre gravity shifts over entire life-cycle even with 50 % of staff assigned to one set of activities in every phase.

Key aspects to consider:

  1. Client Complaints: Track and examine client complaints to find recurrent problems and areas that might be made better.
  2. Employee Turnover Costs: Calculate the costs associated with staff turnover, including hiring, training, and lost productivity. High turnover may be an indication of deeper problems.
  3. Market Research: Conduct regular market studies to stay current on market trends and new technological developments.
  4. Risk Register: Maintain a thorough risk registry that outlines potential hazards, their effects and methods for mitigation.
  5. Board evaluations: Regularly evaluate the board of directors’ performance in directing the company’s approach and risk management.
  6. Balanced scorecard: It is a technique to match important indicators of performance with strategic goals and track development.

Activities Emphasized in every Phase:

  1. Inception Team – It is an organization that moves from abstract, broad conversations into more detailed discussions. They capture fine details of what’s going to happen next and work that is needed to be completed to achieve agreed-upon goal. This team simply focuses on planning, with more support from various teams to just confirm and ensure that plans represent general agreement of all perspectives.
  2. Elaboration Team – This team gains handle on architecture of system. They simply begin setting up environment for Construction by purchasing hardware, software, and tools. It is an organization mainly focused on architecture in which driving forces of project simply reside in software architecture team. They are supported by software development and software assessment team. These teams have necessary and important to achieve stable architecture baseline.
  3. Construction Team – This team generally turn project or product vision into visual thing. They also work with product manager to simply create user experience that fulfils requirements. It is fairly balanced organization in which several activities reside in software development and even in software assessment teams.
  4. Transition Team – The transition team generally focuses on reviewing transition plans, monitoring progress, providing resources that are needed, resolving issue, and escalation management. The transition team also assesses and evaluates quality, status reporting, and even project change control. It is actually an organization that focuses on customer in which feedback from users simply drives deployment activities.