Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding – Swami Vivekananda

Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later – Swami Vivekananda.

The passage by Swami Vivekananda refers to a great Indian ascetic who had an impressive work ethic. He was convinced that there was a stronger divine power and strongly encouraged spiritualism and meditation for everyone for success in life. This quote advises people to stick with their dreams until they are fulfilled, no matter how long it takes as it is a sign of character and greatness when someone can stay resilient in face of opposition and hardship. If a person perseveres he or she can be assured of success at some point in life. Every work requires much effort and struggle to succeed. It may take years of waiting and battling obstacles but eventually one day a person’s persistence will pay off. Successful individuals were once just regular people just like anyone else but they never gave up on their goals because they knew that every person deserves good things in life. For them, being successful didn’t just happen overnight. They struggled hard and worked hard towards their goals despite the fear of not achieving them in the end. So if you want to achieve your goal, don’t give up hope!

Keep working hard and keep fighting those odds – after all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Even though setbacks happen, get back up and keep going because nothing worth having comes easy. What isn’t impossible becomes possible with perseverance. One should always strive to improve oneself rather than be stuck in a place where nothing changes and everything remains stagnant. Anyone who has achieved anything significant or been successful always tells themselves: I’ll never quit. When I hear this quote from Swami Vivekananda, I think about my childhood. My parents often told me that if I wanted something bad enough then I should never give up. And now here I am today, pursuing my dream of becoming a civil servant in this very interview process. All the doubts and fears still linger within me but what matters most is my mindset and attitude towards life and its challenges; whatever happens and we have to keep moving forward instead of looking back. I’m reminded of my favourite quote from the book, Animal Farm, If you haven’t failed at least 90% of the time, then you’re not trying new enough things.

Civil Services are one of India’s toughest examinations and everyone who is trying for it knows how big a deal it is. Of course, we all want to be successful but very few realize how much hard work and dedication needs to go into studying for such an exam. I’m sure many of you reading this blog post feel the same way. Studying for such a competitive exam is tough but that’s exactly why it pays off to be determined and dedicated. I believe in the quote, every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding so if you feel discouraged or discouraged, just remember that it won’t be easy but it is worth it. Remember that only when life is hard, do you find out who you really are and how strong you truly are. Be bold and brave in your pursuit of knowledge and fulfillment. If you have a vision, pursue it. If you are constantly faced with challenges and difficulties, confront them head-on. No obstacle is too difficult to overcome.

Let Swami Vivekananda’s quote be an inspiration for you to push through life’s challenges and rise above the ranks of mediocrity to be one of the few who achieve success in their lives. You will surely see the light at the end of the tunnel if you keep pushing through and never give up. Every person who has done something great and accomplished something worthwhile shares this sentiment. They say I’ll never quit. To me, the quote means that I should stay focused on my goal of being a civil servant no matter what hardships come my way. Just like Vivekananda says in his quote, No obstacle is too difficult to overcome.