Examples of Redox Reactions in Everyday Life

Redox reactions reactions play a crucial role in various chemical processes, both in nature and in human-made systems. These reactions involve the transfer of electrons between reactants, leading to changes in the oxidation states of the elements involved.

This article discusses redox reactions, their significance in everyday life, examples, identification, and their impact on environmental stability.

What are Redox Reactions?

Redox reactions, or (oxidation-reduction reactions), are chemical reactions in which there is a transfer of electrons between two reactants. These reactions involve the oxidation of one substance (loss of electrons) and the simultaneous reduction of another substance (gain of electrons).

In a redox reaction, the substance that undergoes oxidation is called the reducing agent because it causes the reduction of another substance by donating electrons. Conversely, the substance that undergoes reduction is called the oxidizing agent because it causes the oxidation of another substance by accepting electrons.

Real-Life Examples of Redox Reactions

Some common examples of redox reactions that occur in our daily lives are discussed below:

Rust Formation

An iron or steel exposed to the air may have a reddish-brown rust coating, which is an example of redox reaction. When iron comes into contact with oxygen and moisture in the air, it undergoes oxidation to form iron oxide (rust). This reaction is known as rusting of iron and can be represented as:

4Fe(s) + 3O2​(g) → 2Fe2​O3​(s)

Here, iron (Fe) is oxidized from its elemental state to Fe2​O3​, while oxygen (O2​) is reduced.


Redox reaction is the main point of the process of charge and discharge of battery. For example, in alkaline batteries, as the current flows through the zinc and manganese dioxide, an electrochemical reaction leading to the production of electricity occurs.

Just like in lithium-ion battery, the redox reactions between lithium ions and electrodes are responsible for their working.


Photosynthesis, which is the reaction in which the green plant, algae, and some of the bacteria transform light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose, is considered as an irreversible redox reaction.

Plants, during photosynthesis, absorb light energy which is then converted to chemical energy by the process of reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose using the chlorophyll. Likewise, water molecules are stripped away of their oxygen atom. Therefore, Photosynthesis is one of the key stages for the production of oxygen as well as synthesis of organic compounds that are important for the growth, development and nutrient uptake of the plants.

Corrosion of metals

Corrosion is the gradual degradation of metals due to chemical reactions with the environment, often involves redox processes. For instance, when silver tarnishes in the presence of sulfur compounds in the air, silver metal is oxidized to silver sulfide:

4Ag(s) + 2H2S(g) + O2​(g) → 2Ag2​S(s) + 2H2O(l)

In this reaction, silver (Ag) is oxidized, while sulfur compounds are reduced.


The process of cooking also sometimes involves redox reactions. In this case, when meat is grilled or roasted, a conversion of amino acids and reducing sugar takes place which is a reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that are responsible for the changes in the flavor, color, and aroma of the cooked food.

Cleaning Agents

Many common domestic cleaning agents (like bleaches for instance) undergo redox reactions which help in the removal of dirt and disinfection of surfaces. An oxidizing agent like bleach kills organic stains by introducing oxidation.


Redox reactions, the types of reactions that involve the transfer of electrons, perform some crucial functions within the digestion process. As an example, enzymes of the digestive system perform the breaking of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into more straightforward molecules. Oxidation-reduction reactions that follow then lead to a release of energy that is utilized by the body for different functions.

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In this article we discussed various examples that illustrate the diverse range of redox reactions that occur in everyday life, from the rusting of metals to the generation of energy in living organisms. Understanding these processes is essential for appreciating the role of redox chemistry in both natural and technological systems.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs on Examples of Redox Reactions

What are some common examples of redox reactions in everyday life?

Redox reactions are important in daily life. Some common examples include rusting of iron, combustion of fuels like gasoline or wood, respiration in living organisms, corrosion of metals, and photosynthesis in plants.

How does rusting of iron demonstrate a redox reaction?

Rusting of iron occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and water in the air to form iron oxide (rust). In this process, iron undergoes oxidation (loses electrons) to form iron ions, while oxygen is reduced (gains electrons) to form oxide ions. The overall reaction involves the transfer of electrons between iron and oxygen.

Is combustion an example of a redox reaction?

Yes, combustion is a classic example of a redox reaction. For instance, when a hydrocarbon fuel like methane or gasoline burns in the presence of oxygen, it undergoes oxidation to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. The fuel is oxidized (loses electrons), while oxygen is reduced (gains electrons).

How are redox reactions involved in cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a series of metabolic reactions that occur in cells to produce energy. During aerobic respiration, glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy that is used to produce ATP. Oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor, undergoing reduction to form water.

How does photosynthesis demonstrate a redox reaction?

Photosynthesis is a complex process in which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. In the light-dependent reactions, water molecules are oxidized to produce oxygen gas, protons, and electrons. The electrons released from water are used to drive the synthesis of ATP and NADPH, while oxygen is released as a byproduct.