Explain About The Ease Of Maintenance With CSS

Introduction: CSS is an abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheet. CSS is used to enhance the presentation of the content contained within HTML tags. CSS is in charge of a web page’s appearance and feel.CSS can be used to change the color of the text, the font style, the spacing between paragraphs, the size and layout of columns, and so on. We can use CSS to define different ways of displaying content based on the media. 

Advantages of using CSS:

  1. CSS helps you save time: CSS can be written once and then reused in multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to an unlimited number of Web pages.
  2. Results in less code: We use less code because we define the property with a value in a common style class and use the same class in multiple places. Less code means less bandwidth consumption and easier content maintenance.
  3. Easy maintenance: Because we define styles globally or in a common location, any changes are simple. For example, on a website, all of the product names are displayed using a specific style property. We can now change the style throughout the site by changing the style class at the external style sheet for the product name. We can keep multiple style sheets and use them based on the situation. The use of property inheritance methods made it simple to maintain multiple styles of the same tag.
  4. Web standards around the world: HTML attributes are now deprecated, and CSS is recommended instead. As a result, it’s a good idea to start using CSS in all HTML pages to ensure compatibility with future browsers.
  5. Pages are downloaded quickly: Because browsers cached the style sheet page, page loading became faster. When different pages of the same site use the same CSS, the styles classes are not loaded from the server.
  6. Independence of the Platform: The Script provides consistent platform independence and can support the most recent browsers.
  7. Style can be defined in a variety of ways: The name cascading implies that we can use more than one style, with local styles taking precedence. We can override the global style declaration and assign the style to the tag locally.

As we have seen so many advantages of using CSS but at the same time it has some drawbacks also as described below:

Drawback of CSS:

  1. CSS, from CSS 1 to CSS3, causes confusion among web browsers.
  2. When it comes to CSS, what works in one browser may not always work in another. The web developers must test the program for compatibility by running it in multiple browsers.
  3. There is a scarcity of safety.
  4. After making the changes, we must confirm compatibility if it appears. All browsers are affected by the same change.
  5. For non-developers and beginners, the world of programming languages is complicated. CSS levels, such as CSS, CSS 2, and CSS 3, can be quite confusing.
  6. Compatibility with browsers (some styles sheets are supported and some are not).
  7. CSS behaves differently in various browsers. CSS is supported by IE and Opera using different logic.
  8. When using CSS, there may be cross-browser issues.
  9. There are several levels, which confuse non-developers and beginners.

Conclusion: Web development is impossible without CSS. CSS may appear difficult at first, but after a few concepts are learned, CSS will feel very simple and easy. The primary goal (as a method sheet language) was to separate document content from document presentation, which included style elements such as color, layout, and fonts. CSS is in charge of the look and feel of an internet page. CSS can be used to change the color of the text, font design, paragraph spacing, column size and layout, and so on.