Explain about the Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker can be defined as a process of tracking a website’s search engine ranking positions for a chosen set of keywords or search queries. It is basically all about tracking and analyzing the organic positions of keywords in/overtime. Rank Tracking is based on historical data and current rankings so that one can easily analyze the progress and its subsequent impact on organic traffic.

Following are these Keywords:

  • Keywords that your competitor ranks for.
  • Keywords that are being used on the website.
  • Other search terms you may not optimize for.

Why is Rank Tracking important?

Rank Tracking plays a crucial role and importance for the following reasons:

  1. It helps us to discover pages that are underperforming on the website and even incites us to improve the contents and alter target keywords.
  2. It even allows us to analyze how effective our keyword strategy is. If you make any changes in your strategy in a quality way, then you will see a dramatic rise in ranking. Hence this is a strong indicator that your keyword strategy is working.
  3. You will easily be able to identify any issue with traffic. If you have significantly dropped in ranking, you may have been hit with a negative SEO attack.
  4. You can also earn money. By identifying which pages have the highest conversions, one can easily redistribute their efforts in order to discover the new keyword opportunities that will drive sales.

How to conduct Rank Tracking?

Following are the two ways in order to conduct the rank tracking:

  1. Using Google Search Console: By using the google search console, we can easily gather key data including how the keywords are performing over time. This can be accessed under the “Performance” tab.
  2. Using a Tracking Tool: There are some tracking tools that go into more detail about ranking data, touching upon search volumes, historical data, and even displaying how different metrics affect ranking. 

Following are the range of some great online tools that helps us with the task of Rank Tracking:

  • SE Ranking: It is a feature-rich rank tracking software by which you can easily track results on Search Engines, Google Maps, and AdWords and can also measure how your snippets and videos rank. You can even access the same extensive ranking insights for 5 of your competitor.
  • Pro-Rank Tracker: It is an advanced SEO rank tracking solution. It basically provides a means to track performance on all major search engines, along with Amazon and YouTube. It even offers advanced reporting, along with a Rankings Discovery feature for hidden keywords.
  • Wincher: It is a simple but powerful rank tracker. It also helps us monitor keyword performance, optimize website pages and even discover various ways to increase traffic and cut costs.
  • Nightwatch: It is also an advanced rank tracking software. It also offers various tools that help you track your ranking across mobile and desktop including all the major search engines.
  • Zutrix: It is a Google-focused rank tracker and keyword analysis tool. It uses AI-Powered algorithms to track the ranking, which helps us in staying at the top of SEO efforts.

Rank Tracker has also built-in advanced search safety features, such as human emulation and proxy rotation. These enhancements let the users make multiple checks without even getting temporary blocks by the search engines. Even no other rank checker provides the same accurate ranking information and SERP intelligence as Rank Tracker. The reports which are being made are clean, accurate, and very easy to customize so that I can include only the data that’s relevant. Hence, The Rank Tracker Platform is one of the fastest rank checkers for keeping track of keyword positions in SERPs for a long time. The tool has every feature one can ask for of a keyword tool. In order to keep your SEO campaign on track and find the room for improvement, you need to regularly check search engine rankings for all the keywords that you target.