Explain how Water becomes a Renewable Resource

Water present in the environment keeps circulating in various states, including liquid, vapor, solid as well as gas. As a result of this, water which evaporates tends to return back to the surface of the earth in the form of rain. Because of this process, water is known to be a renewable resource.

Water as a Renewable Resource

About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Energy obtained from flowing water can be used to generate electricity. The two most common hydropower technologies can be divided into two groups: hydropower and tidal power.

Hydropower is electrical energy derived from falling (potential energy) or running water (kinetic energy). The movement of the water turns the blades of a turbine, which is connected to a generator.  This converts mechanical energy into electricity. There are two primary hydropower technologies – dams and run-of-river hydro

  1. A famous example of a dam (as well as a natural world wonder) is Niagara Falls, the biggest electricity producer in New York State, generating enough electricity to light 24 million 100–watt bulbs at once
  2. Hydropower is the most commonly used renewable form of energy, accounting for approximately 16% of global electricity production.

Water energy is considered renewable because it uses the water cycle and Earth’s gravity to generate electricity. It also does not emit greenhouse gases or pollute the air. However, depending on the water-energy technology, the negative impact of land use on the environment can be an issue.

Water is also actively used in the energy production process. Most of the water used in the energy sector is used to cool thermal power plants. This is because water is the most efficient medium for controlling waste heat. Water is also used to generate steam for the extraction and processing of fossil fuels and to irrigate biofuel crops. About 15% of the world’s water withdrawal is used for energy production, followed by agriculture. Given the scarcity and important role of water in energy production, the use and conservation of water is a challenge facing many stakeholders in the energy industry.

Reasons Why Water Is Indeed a Renewable Resource

The reasons why water Is a renewable resource are as follows:

Water has a Rain Cycle

Water is one of them, as renewable resources are a resource that is not at risk of being exhausted. One important reason water is considered a renewable resource is that rain replenishes water bodies. Rain is usually in liquid form or in the form of water droplets formed by the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. The droplet then becomes heavy and falls like rain due to gravity. This helps to deposit most of the freshwater on Earth. Rain is formed as a result of the movement of water in a three-dimensional region of temperature or humidity contrast, commonly referred to as the weather front.

Precipitation typically falls from convective clouds, including cumulonimbus clouds, if sufficient moisture rises during transit. Heavy rains occur most often in mountainous areas where there are updrafts on the windward side of the terrain.   Water is one of the renewable resources we can have as long as there is enough rainfall. But with global warming, climate patterns are constantly changing. We must avoid anything that causes ozone depletion, which ultimately leads to global warming and climate change.


Another way to regenerate or replenish water resources is conservation. Conservation efforts can help replenish reservoirs in times of drought. The stored water can be used to replenish the tank. 97% of all water on Earth is salt water and only 3% is drinkable fresh water.

Conservation measures ranging from simple to complex systems can help keep water fresh, especially during the dry season. Use these dirty water systems in your home to secure drinking water because you won’t be using it for any other purpose.


A renewable resource as water evaporates. Evaporation is the process that occurs when liquid water turns into water vapor after being exposed to high temperatures. 90% of the water in rivers, lakes, and oceans undergoes this transformation,  so water can be replenished as the steam condenses.


Condensation is another process that occurs as part of the natural water cycle. Water molecules move upward through the process of evaporation and then encounter cooler air at higher levels of the atmosphere. The water vapor then condenses to form large water droplets that look like clouds. This causes a change in temperature, causing the water molecules to separate and re-form larger droplets. Then it rains and finally it rains. It is the water cycle process that makes water a renewable resource.

Water is Recyclable

 Water can be recovered or reused. This includes wastewater reuse, the process of turning wastewater into clean water. Water regeneration is an ideal way to replenish and reuse water supplies or for other uses later. Recycled water can be used in agriculture for garden irrigation, which helps to replenish both surface and groundwater.

Recycled water can also be treated and used for drinking water, cooking, or other uses in residential centers, business complexes, and industries. Another way to replenish the reservoir is to redirect treated water to the freshwater supply.   Water replenishment is the practice of replenishing aquifers, improving river flow, and benefiting ecosystems. Humans are using sea saltwater desalination methods for agricultural purposes.

Water Is Sustainable

Another reason water is considered a renewable resource is because it is sustainable. Water reuse is one approach to sustainable water management that can help reduce our high dependence on other natural water bodies.  Water makes water a renewable resource as it is an alternative source of water for a variety of human activities. Sustainability is a keyword because it has a long life cycle.

Rainwater Harvesting

This is because lowering the water table is a major cause of the depletion of water supplies. Rainwater harvesting is another way to replenish groundwater. During the rainy season, rainwater can be collected from the roof to replenish groundwater.   Rainwater harvesting is a method in which a roof drain pipe is connected to a gutter and water must be drained into an existing manhole, drilled manhole, tube well, or specially designed manhole.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. How does water work as a renewable resource?


Fresh water is a renewable source because it can be used continuously because it has a cycle. However, freshwater is also a limited resource, accounting for less than 3% of the world’s water. And more than 75% of the world’s freshwater is  stored in glaciers and ice caps.

Q 2. Why water is a renewable resource?


Water is a renewable resource because it replenished through the water cycle.

Q 3. How water becomes a non-renewable resource?


Water becomes a non-renewable resource when there is constant lose of water, then the speed at which water is formulated, water forms wouldn’t be sustainable and hence water becomes nonrenewable resource.