Explain the Concept of Sprint Planning in Scrum with Kanban’s Approach?

In project management, agile methodology has emerged as one of the most used techniques to develop software. Sprint planning with Kanban is a technique used by many companies. If we combine both Scrum and Kanban, it would provide great efficiency as well as transparency. This also reduces the complexity of the products and teams can have better control over the work they are doing.

What is Sprint Planning in Scrum?

Sprint planning is a method in which a project is divided into sprints which means divided into small phases known as a Sprint. Each phase is given a particular period for the completion.

  1. It helps the team to identify, what amount of work is done to complete a project.
  2. This planning is done by all members of the Scrum team which includes the Scrum master, the product owner, and the developers.
  3. The amount of work to be done is represented in the form of product backlog.
  4. The scrum team sets the goals and plans the work for each sprint.
  5. From the product backlog, the task goes to work in progress and then to completion.

Integration of Kanban into Sprint Planning

Choosing between Scrum or Kanban is a difficult task but integrating Scrum’s Sprint planning with Kanban can vary how we organize the workflow. The main goal of Kanban is to provide visualization of the flow of the project. On integrating Kanban into scrum’s sprint planning, transparency of the process is an additive feature that is delivered. The Kanban board is used to limit the work items in a single sprint. If the work is not finished in that sprint, it is carried forward to another sprint. It takes place in the following manner:

1. Visualizing the Sprint Backlog

In this, the sprint backlog is visualized using the Kanban board, which increases transparency and collaboration. The team tracks the progress timely. The team should define each component clearly, kanban board is used with other tools to manage sprint backlog efficiently.

2. WIP Limits

Here a new concept of work in progress is introduced, the number of work items is set in a particular sprint. This enables a smooth flow of tasks without the burden of over-assigning the work items. WIP limit is assigned to each column in the sprint board.

3. Continuous Flow

Kanban provides a continuous flow of work. Whereas, in scrum, it was limited to the time duration. So, with Kanban priorities of work can be altered as and when needed. Thus, it is adaptable. The continuous flow of work is regularly viewed and adjusted on the board. Carry out discussions on what work is done, what is left to do, and what improvements that need to be made.

4. Cycle Time Analysis

In Kanban, the time taken by the work item to start and finish is measured. If this feature is integrated with sprint planning then it will allow the team to take more accurate estimations and provide continuous improvement. This takes place until the work is marked as done. The calculation of cycle time is as follows:

Cycle Time = Finish Time - Start Time

Cycle time is measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds. Short cycle time means the delivery is quicker.

5. Daily Standups

Scrum provides effective communication and collaboration with the team, by adding kanban boards in meetings. It will provide a reference point for the discussions, which will help the team to stay focused on their goals. It allows the team to organize, discuss, manage risks, and plan for the future work that needs to be done.

Tools and Techniques for Sprint Planning with Kanban

Kanban is not a sprint-based approach so therefore some teams choose to merge Sprint planning with Kanban methodology. There are various tools and technologies, that are used to integrate kanban into sprint planning. Following are the tools and technologies used:

1. Kanban Board

To visualize the work items, Kanban boards are used as it is the main feature of the Kanban methodology. To show the different stages of the work items columns are used. These stages are backlog, work in progress, and done. The to-do list is created in the sprint backlog, then work is taken into work-in-progress mode and then after completion, it is marked as done. This provides transparency into the status of each task.

2. Work Item Cards

For each work item, cards are created. These cards can be digital or physical. These cards include details about task description, priority, and estimated effort. This is an easy way to convey information about the work so that teams can manage the tasks efficiently and prioritize the tasks accordingly.

3. Swim lanes

The Kanban board is divided into swim lanes to show different categories or types of work. This is useful when planning sprints, as you can divide specific swim lanes for tasks that are related to the upcoming sprint. Each lane is assigned to a group of members, which then work on accomplishing the tasks.

4. Backlog Refinement

The product owner, Kanban/Scrum team, and the developing team all together work to manage the backlog sprint by regularly updating it with the tasks that are completed or are still on the to-do list. However, it is necessary to create a backlog as it is easier for the team to look at what tasks they need to perform and on what basis.

Best Practices for Successful Sprint Planning with Kanban’s Approach

Here are some of the best practices for Sprint planning with the Kanban approach:

  1. Understand Team Capacity: First of all the team’s capacity is taken into account that how much they can work during that particular sprint. This is done before planning the sprint.
  2. Visualize Work with a Kanban Board: With the scrum board, a Kanban board is also used that helps to show a visualization of the work items that include todo, WIP, and Done set of work.
  3. Set WIP Limits: The teams should implement Work In Progress (WIP) limits for each column on the Kanban board. WIP prevents overloading the team with excess work and helps to maintain a continuous flow of work.
  4. Balance Workload: The team should regularly check the Kanban board during sprint planning to balance the workload. Make sure that the work items are distributed evenly across team members.
  5. Use Cumulative Flow Diagrams: Leverage Cumulative Flow Diagrams to analyze the flow of work over time. These diagrams provide insights into how work items move through the workflow and help identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement.
  6. Monitor Cycle Time: Cycle time is evaluated based on the completion and start time of the work items. It helps to increase the productivity. More the cycle time more will be the delivery time.
  7. Encourage Collaboration: Use the Kanban board to collaborate with the team, provide regular updates, and make necessary changes to the components regularly as and when needed. Make sure open communication is maintained among the team members.
  8. Adapt to Changing Priorities: Kanban is a flexible and adaptable methodology, so thus it is used to create dynamic projects that change their constraints frequently.
  9. Provide Training and Support: Providing training and support to help the team understand the benefits of visualizing work and managing flow using the Kanban board is very essential phase.


The integration of sprint planning in a scrum with Kanban’s approach provides transparency and efficiency in agile development processes. By visualization, WIP limits, and continuous flow into sprint planning, the teams can more accurately respond to changes, optimize their workflows, and deliver high-quality products. As the software development process continues to change, this approach will provide a flexible framework for teams seeking agility and collaboration.