Explain the process of buying domain

There are more than 1 billion websites on the internet and all have different names. As you are reading this article right now on w3wiki.net it is a domain. A domain is your site name. A domain is a digital location where users can get to your site. A domain name and IP address are used for recognizing computers on the Internet. All domains have different names and they are unique. A domain is one of the most important parts of starting your business online because if you don’t have a domain then how your clients can know about your digital location. You can buy domains for your websites from any domain registrars. The process to buy a domain is very simple and you can complete it in a few minutes. Your domain will look like your unique website name followed by a domain extension. ex- w3wiki.net

Types of Domain extensions: There are many types of domains you can book any type of domain from domain registrars as per your requirement. Famous domain names are given below.

.com It is one of the most used commercial domain extension
.net It is created expressly for network technologies providers
.org It is one of the popular domain extensions used by the organizations
.edu It is used by the educational institutes
.in It is one of the most used domains created especially for India
.co It is used for open business or corporations websites
.info It is used for informational websites
.gov It is a restricted domain extension It is used only by government agencies
.mil It is also a restricted domain only used by military agencies

Where to buy a domain?

You can buy domains from any domain registrar there are many domain registrars available on the internet. Famous domain names provider are given 

  • Google Domain
  • GoDaddy
  • Namecheap
  • BigRock
  • Bluehost
  • Hostinger
  • HostGator


How to buy a domain?

As you can see there are many registrars are available from which you can buy your domain. The steps for buying a domain will be the same for most of the registrars. 

Step 1: Check your Domain availability

First, visit the domain registrar website and type the website name you want to buy, and search for it. You will get a list of available domain manes for your website. It may also happen that the domain of your website name is already booked then change your website name or choose any other extension which is available for you.

Step 2: Buy your domain

After choosing your domain, select for how many days you want this domain. You can minimum choose it for one year after that it’s your wish you want to renew it or not. After that just make the payment as of your requirements and you will get your domain name.

How can I get the free domain name?

Some domain registrars offer free domain names one of them is Freenom. You can get a free domain from there but their extension will be .tk, .ml, .ga or .cf. You can also get some popular domain extensions using GitHub Student Pack.

Advantages of using the free domain name

  • You will get a domain with zero cost
  • You can use their domain for learning

Disadvantages of using the free domain name

  • You will not get any popular domain extensions
  • Their domain extensions are not professional
  • You can’t use it for business purposes

Can we buy a domain name permanently?

You have to renew your domain every year or you can buy your domain for the long term but you can’t buy any domain permanently.

How to choose the domain names?

Choosing the perfect domain name is one of the important things for any business. If you are buying any domain for your personal usage then choose a name according to that but if you are buying a domain for your business then choose the name which matches your business. And also choose your extension according to your need there are multiple extensions for different purposes. 

What to do after buying a domain?

As if you have now purchased a domain it doesn’t mean your website will appear on the internet. It is the only name of your website. And now you will need hosting to bring your website on the internet. For similar, you will find many hosting providers on the internet. You have to buy that and connect your hosting to your domain which you have purchased after that your website will be live on the internet and you can access it using your domain name.