Facebook API | Set-4

Prerequisites: Facebook API Set-1, Set-2, Set-3

In this article we will be discussing 3 methods :

  1. put_object
  2. put_like
  3. put_comment
  1. put_object: Writes the mentioned object to the Facebook Social Graph connected to the given parent.

    1. parent_object: A string specifying the parent of the new object. For example- Post is the parent of comment, when we want to add a new comment or when we want to add a new photo, User profile is the parent of the photo.
    2. connection name: A string specifying the connection or edges between the objects.

    Example#1: Post a message with a link to the active user wall.

    import json
    import facebook
    def main():
        token = "Please replace this with "me" or your Access Token(for Posting on your wall)\
                 or with PAGE Access Token(for posting on Page)"
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
        message = graph.put_object(parent_object ="me"
                  connection_name ="feed",
                  message ="Hello this is a great website for various Computer Science Topics.",
                  link ="https://www.w3wiki.net")
        print(json.dumps(message, indent = 4))
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    Example#2: This example shows how to use put_object to post a comment to a POST.

    import json
    import facebook
    def main():
        token = "Please replace this with your PAGE ACCESS TOKEN"
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
    commenttopost = graph.put_object(parent_object ="PAGEID_POSTID",
                    connection_name ="comments",
                    message ="Please share and Like the website for content on Computer Science")
        print(json.dumps(commenttopost, indent = 4))
    if __name__ == '__main__':


  2. put_comment: This methods facilitates to write a message as comment to an object.

    1. object_id: A string unique for a particular resource.
    2. message: A string to be posted as comment.

    import json
    import facebook
    def main():
        token = "Please replace this with your PAGE ACCESS TOKEN"
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
        putcomment = graph.put_comment(object_id ="PAGEID_POSTID",
                     message ="This is a very good website for Computer Science Topics")
        print(json.dumps(putcomment, indent = 4))
    if __name__ == '__main__':


  3. put_like: Add like to a given object
    object_id: A string that is a unique id for the particular resource.

    import json
    import facebook
    def main():
        token = "Please replace this with your PAGE ACCESS TOKEN"
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
        putlike = graph.put_like(object_id ="PAGEID_POSTID")
        print(json.dumps(putlike, indent = 4))
    if __name__ == '__main__':


References: https://facebook-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html