Factors Affecting Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a chemical-managed anabolic course of production of natural mixtures inside the chlorophyll-containing cells from carbon dioxide and water with the assistance of daylight as a wellspring of energy.

In the photosynthesis process, ‘energy-rich mixtures like carbs are blended from straightforward inorganic mixtures like carbon dioxide and water within the sight of chlorophyll and daylight with freedom of oxygen’. The course of photosynthesis can likewise be characterized as a change of photonic energy (i.e., light or brilliant energy) into synthetic energy.
Around 90% of complete photosynthesis in the world is finished by green growth in seas and in freshwater. In excess of 170 billion tons of dry matter are delivered every year by this cycle. Further, CO2 fixed yearly through photosynthesis is around 7.0 × 1013 kg. Photosynthesis is an anabolic and endothermic response. Photosynthesis assists with keeping up with the balance position of O2 and CO2 in the climate.


Pigments associated with Photosynthesis

  • Chlorophyll A: (Bright or blue-green in chromatograph). Significant color, go about as response focus, engaged with catching and changing over light into compound energy.
  • Chlorophyll B: (Yellow-green)
  • Xanthophyll: (Yellow)
  • Carotenoids: (Yellow to yellow-orange) In the blue and red locales, the range shows a higher pace of photosynthesis.

Light Harvesting Complexes (LHC)

The light collecting edifices are comprised of many shade particles bound to protein inside the photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII). Each photosystem has every one of the colors with the exception of one particle of chlorophyll ‘a’ framing a light-collecting framework (receiving wires). The response place (chlorophyll a) is different in both the photosystem.

Photosystem I (PSI): Chlorophyll ‘a’ has an absorption peak at 700 nm (P700). Photosystem II (PSII): Chlorophyll ‘a’ has an absorption peak at 680 nm (P680).

Process of photosynthesis

It includes two phases—The photochemical phase and the biosynthetic phase.

Photochemical phase (Light reaction): This phase includes—light absorption, splitting of water, oxygen release, and formation of ATP and NADPH.

Biosynthetic phase (Dark reaction): It is a light-independent phase, synthesis of food material (sugars).


The process of formation of high-energy chemicals (ATP and NADPH).

Cyclic Photophosphorylation

Two photosystems work in series − First PSII and then PSI. These two photosystems are connected through an electron transport chain (Z Scheme). Both ATP and NADPH + H are synthesized by this process. PSI and PSII are found in lamellae of grana, hence this process is carried out here.

Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation  

Only PSI works, the electron circulates within the photosystem. It happens in the stroma lamellae (possible location) because in this region PSII and NADP reductase enzymes are absent. Hence, only ATP molecules are synthesized.

Factors Affecting Photosynthesis 

The factors which influence the rate of photosynthesis can be broadly classified into-

External Factors—Those factors which are not present internally,

Internal Factors-Those factors are present internally in plants.

  • Carbon dioxide-Expansion in the centralization of carbon dioxide can upgrade the pace of photosynthesis. The force and nature of light influence the pace of photosynthesis.
  • Temperature-Photosynthesis is impacted by temperature. Photosynthesis is delicate to higher temperatures as high temperatures cause the latency of proteins.
  • Air circulation is important for photosynthesis. In little amounts, oxygen is expected for electron transport.
  • Nitrogen is known to affect the pace of photosynthesis
  • Air contaminations-Decline the photosynthetic rate
  • Soil, pH, and other climatic circumstances assume a part as well

There are a few inner factors as well, that influence photosynthesis, a portion of these are 

  • Leaf Structures-The surface area of a leaf affects the rate of photosynthesis if the leaf is sharp having a large surface area then it directly affects the rate of photosynthesis. If the surface area of the leaf is narrow, it indirectly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Chlorophyll-It is the green product present in the leaf. It absorbs solar energy, which helps to transform CO and O2. So its concentration directly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Accumulation of byproducts-The bi-products storage in the leaf gives negative feedback to the photosynthesis reaction, and it indirectly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Execution of Rubisco-It is the enzyme that helps in the photosynthesis process. So, its concentration directly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Protein movement of the Calvin Cycle
  • The pace of Chloroplasts Electron transport-The ETC provides ATP and also stores energy in the form of NADPH. This energy is used in the Calvin Cycle for photosynthesis. 
  • Stomata-CO2 is the main element for photosynthesis. Stomata is the opening present on the surface of the leaf that allows changes in the gasses in between plants and the environment. So, it directly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Carbon use and the limit of metabolite transport processes-

Conceptual Question

Question 1: Differences between chlorophyll ‘a’ and chlorophyll ‘b’?


  • Chlorophyll a has a methyl bunch at the third carbon position of the porphyrin head’s II pyrrole ring. While chlorophyll b has an aldehyde bunch at the third carbon position of the II pyrrole ring or porphyrin head.
  • Chlorophyll a has the best retention at 429 nm (blue) and 660 nm (red) though chlorophyll b has the best ingestion at 453 nm (blue) and 642 nm (red) frequencies.
  • Chlorophyll an is extremely dissolvable in petrol and ether while chlorophyll b is solvent in methyl liquor.
  • Chlorophyll an is blue-green in variety while chlorophyll b is yellow-green in variety.

Question 2:  What is the function of water in photosynthesis?


  • Photosynthesis goes about as a reactant in the light response.
  • Water pressure incites stomata to close.
  • It lessens carbon dioxide accessibility.
  • It brings down the leaf surface region.

Question 3: Name two plants that can carry out photosynthesis at night


Opuntia, Chenopodium, Bougainvillea.

Question 4: What is a red Drop?


It is the event of a drop in photosynthetic yield past the red piece of the range. This is otherwise called the Emerson impact.

Question 5: For what reason truly do green plants begin developing carbon dioxide rather than oxygen on a hot bright day?


When the catalyst RuBP carboxylase becomes dynamic on a hot brilliant day, its partiality CO reduces and increments. Photorespiration is causing an expansion in the deficiency of photosynthetically fixed carbon.

Question 6: What is the law of restricting elements?


According to this regulation, assuming that a substance interaction is impacted by more than one part that is nearest to its negligible worth; then the rate will be characterized by the variable that is nearest to its insignificant worth; the component straightforwardly impacts the cycle assuming its amount is changed.