Factset interview experience

Round 1: Written (pen paper ) Test

3 coding questions in 75 minutes.

Q1. given a string of characters you have to delete the multiple occurrences of characters so as to make string come first in dictionary.

eg. input: cdadabcc

output:  adbc

input: 3 4 2 1 5

output: 5 3 1 2 4

input :  7 3 4 9 2 6

output:  7 4 2 3 6 9

Round 2:technical interview(around 1 hr 45 mins)

few variations are given by interviewer one by one.

output: decrypted string will be   ababcababcababc

so output is ‘a’

Q3. given an array having some values.

operation is fixed i.e. addition

input: arr[]={1, 2, 4, 3, 5}

n=4, range{1, 3}

n=2, range{0, 2}

n=5, range{1, 3}


initial array:         1 2 4 3 5

after adding 4:     1 6 8 7 5

after adding 2:     3 8 10 7 5

after adding 5:     3 13 15 12 5

final ans is 15

Most important: **discussion continues until you give most optimized solution.**

Round 3:Technical interview(1 hr 30 mins)

Q2. External Sorting


Round 4: HR round

tell me about yourself.

family background.

why factset.

is any problem with location.

where do you see yourself after 5 years.

any plan for further studies.

what makes you different from other candidates.

do you know any of your college senior working with factset.

any questions you have?



this company only focus on data structures and algorithms.

Expects the most optimized solution from you.


Finally 9 students got offer from our college and i was one of them ?