FactSet Interview Experience for Software Engineer (On-Campus) 2022

Hello everyone!!! I wanted to share my first product-based company(Fact Set) interview experience.

Placement process:

  • One online test
  • Two technical rounds
  • One Hr round

Round 1: An online test was conducted on the Hacker Rank Platform in my college. Three coding questions, one SQL query, and MCQs on pseudo-code, data structures, and DBMS.

 Coding questions :

  • A number of groups can be formed from the given string with distinct subjects (P, M, S, T, H)
    I/P : apmvnsdthndowpmsthncpms
    O/P: 2 
  • Print the new list along with a count of the string 
    I/P : [Java,Python,C,Html,C,Python,Java,Python,Java,Css]
    O/P : [Java,Python,C,Html,C1,Python1,Java1,Python2,Java2,Css]
  • https://www.w3wiki.net/count-number-distinct-sum-subsets-within-given-range/
  • SQL query was based on aggregate functions.

I solved two coding questions, the third coding question 9/15 test cases passed and I solved the SQL query.

Round 2(Technical Interview 1): This round was conducted on a hacker-rank platform. TR1 happened for 1hour and three coding questions were asked

Coding questions:

I was asked to execute all the coding questions against the sample test cases and the interviewer gave other test cases to check my code.

  • I solved all three coding questions in 45 mins, As there is 15 mins more he asked me questions on JVM, and Collections. 
  • and then he asked me on which topic shall I ask you, I told python then he asked the difference between java and python.


  • Don’t try to optimize the Code first (which I did for the first question and took so much time but was unable to solve it in an optimized way, then done the O(n) way and solved it). First, tell the approach that you got if the interviewer asks to optimize it then try to optimize it
  • In the first TR round, they don’t check for optimization.
  • But do have a grip on time complexity cause the interviewer asks for the time complexity of your code.

Round 3(Technical Interview 2): The process is the same as Technical round one

Coding questions :

In this round, the interviewer was very friendly and helpful. I solved the first coding question and gave my approaches for the remaining two questions. He asked me to tell him everything I know about hashmap then I told him about hashmap, hash function, hash table, collision concept, division method, and linear probing.

Round 4(HR) :

  • HR round was a unique experience for me first he asked me to introduce myself, tell about my town, and about myself that I don’t have on my resume.
  • After this, he asked me a bunch of in-depth technical questions on DBMS, SQL, and JAVA.
  • I can say for me HR was a little bit tough.

Tips: Don’t only prepare for behavioral and resume-based questions but also prepare for in-depth theoretical concepts on the skills you keep on your resume.


  • After giving the online test start preparing for the interview don’t wait till the results, cause after we got the shortlisted students list the next day all the three interviews were conducted this left me less time to prepare so I attended with almost no preparation I know no one wants that situation(I mean I am preparing for placements in general so it helped me).
  • Thus do start preparing for the interview on geek for Beginner and leet code platforms on DSA and Dp concepts.

Hence, this was my interview experience thank you for reading it till the end I hope you find it useful, and yeah I got placed in Factset. All the best, Be confident and have Trust in yourself, YOU GOT THIS!!!

Thank You