Factset Interview Experience |Set2 (On-Campus)

I find w3wiki very helpful! It helped me prepare for my FactSet interview. Here’s my interview
experience for FactSet which came to my college for recruitment.

Round 1 (Written Coding) :
3 coding questions. (Pen and Paper mode Examination)

-print the element that is common in all rows of a matrix

Eg: 2 3 7

    1 7 8              ans is 7.
    6 9 7 

Find median of two sorted arrays. O(logM + logN)
Zig-zag traversal of binary tree.
Round 2(technical interview):
2 interviewers were there and the interview went on for about 60 minutes. Questions they asked were
mainly programming and puzzles and some of the operating system and database concepts.

-Given an array and a number k, find all pairs of numbers in array whose sum is least near to k.
How to find intersecting point of two linked lists. (most efficient way).
-Design Database schema for supermarket (Reliance Fresh) taking care of all the factors about details of
discounts and offers to customers.

-puzzle as follows:

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fill numbers in the above blank from 0-9 such that number X coming over any number Y means Y should
be in X blanks. For eg: if 2 comes over 0 means 0 should be present in 2 blanks.

Round 3 (technical interview + HR):

2 interviewers and 60 minute duration. It was mixture of both technical and HR round.

-Tell me about youself?

Eg: s t d i h   string: dog

    d t o j w
                       ans:   (0,2)
    c x g p q

-Questions on hashing and combining it with networks. How to implement it and its uses in various
-Brief discussion of project done in internship and questions over it.

All Practice Problems for FactSet !