Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) Admission Experience

18th April 2023, FMS Delhi Campus:

99.72 percentile in CAT | GEM Profile | B.Tech in CSE | Work ex of 19 months [considered till date] | 3 months at Infosys and currently working on w3wiki as MTS (technical content, DSA) | 10th/12th/Grad – 93.42/91.0/83.4

Time: My reporting time was 8:30 am but the interview started at 10:00 am. I went at 8:10 am and got out at 12.00 pm

Interview: (No WAT, It was extempore, SOP, and PI). There were 10 Panels. I was the last person in Panel-3 [11 persons on each panel]. There were 3 panelists – 2 males (M1 around 50 and M2 in his 50s) and one female (F middle-aged). It was around 10 min interview.

They rang the bell and I entered.

  • M2: Pointed to seat
  • M1: Introduce yourself in short.
  • Me: Introduced myself.
  • M1: Now my colleague will give you a topic in which you have to speak for 1 min and you will get 10 sec to think before you start saying. (points to M2).
  • M2: Your topic is “Think before you Speak”.
  • I started to think and arrange my points
  • [interrupts in between – currently you are thinking before speaking]
  • Me: Was able to think of a few points and spoke and concluded. I grabbed what M2 said to start talking about the topic. Overall an OK extempore.
  • M1: Why MBA? (This is the SOP).
  • Me: Told the well-prepared answer. In between came the point where I mentioned that I was part of the tech fest management committee and got interested in management as a whole.
  • M1: In general management…
  • Me: Not specifically, what I wanted to say was that the functioning of management
  • M1: What are the management activities performed in the college fest?
  • Me: Started saying that the first point I mentioned was how to control expenses and receipts and tried to say a bit but M1 interrupted.
  • M1: You mean budgeting?
  • Me: Yes, and then for the further ones I mentioned the key point and tried to say just one sentence like Marketing for promotion, Organizing to properly arrange the whole event, Analysing for the correct account of all works, and so on.
  • M1: So there is no scheduling etc.
  • Me: Sir this is a part of organizing itself.
  • M1: Ok, get it, [points to F].
  • F: Do you follow finance current affairs?
  • Me: Try to follow
  • F: How?
  • Me: Newspapers, but I am not regular in it and also don’t follow in a daily manner.
  • F: Who is the current finance minister of India?
  • Me: Said
  • F: What is special about her?
  • Me: I think she is the first female Finance minister of our country.
  • F: You think or you are sure?
  • Me: I think so.
  • F: What post was she in before becoming the finance minister?
  • Me: I don’t know.
  • F: What is the function of RBI?
  • Me: Answered.
  • F: What is open market operation?
  • Me: Answered.
  • F: What happens when RBI sells bonds?
  • Me: The capital size in the economy decreases.
  • F: Is capital the correct word here, or will it be liquidity?
  • Me: It will be liquidity.
  • F: What happens if liquidity decreases?
  • Me: Helps in controlling inflation.
  • F: What happens when RBI purchases back bonds from banks?
  • Me: Answered.
  • F: Who the bond belongs to?
  • Me: The central government.
  • F: So as currently BJP is the ruling party, so the bonds belong to them?
  • Me: No, not the party itself, but to the country.
  • F: Do you know in whose name the bonds are issued?
  • Me: No ma’am.
  • F: The president of India.
  • F: What is PSU?
  • Me: I don’t know it ma’am but I can try. [She nods, but I confused it with divestment and answered wrongly].
  • F: What is the flow like? Give some examples.
  • Me: Obviously gave this answer wrong too because of the above mistake.
  • F: Is Delhi University a PSU university or a Central university?
  • Me: Central.
  • [F points to M2]
  • M2: Can RBI print as much money as it wants?
  • Me: Though it prints money if it prints money as it wishes will have huge disadvantages [and mentioned some]
  • M2: Do you know the limit?
  • Me: No sir.
  • [doesn’t matter and points to M1]
  • M1: Do you have a Twitter account?
  • Me: No.
  • M1: Which bird is in the logo of Twitter?
  • Me: I don’t know sir.
  • M1: Is it a bird or a Dog?
  • Me: It was earlier a bird but recently it has been changed to a dog.
  • M1: So it still was a bird. Any company which has a bird in its logo?
  • Me: Kingfisher (It suddenly strikes my mind).
  • M1: What is the logo of Nestle?
  • Me: I don’t know sir.
  • M1: Do you eat Maggi?
  • Me: No.
  • M1: Then you can go, you don’t eat Maggi (with an outburst of a laugh. Everyone else laughed and the mood got lightened).
  • M2: Nestle has come from the word “nest”, It has a bird nest with the bird as its logo.
  • Me: Ok sir, Thank You.
  • M1: So you can go now. It is Ok.

I thanked them and came out. I think it was an average interview as I was able to answer several questions though they were way out of my domain.

Verdict: Waitlisted