Failure Curve for Software in Software Engineering

Pre-requisites: Software Engineering

In Software Engineering, the concept of a software failure curve is part of the hardware bathtub curve. According to the diagram, the failure rate is a function of time for Hardware. This curve shows that hardware exhibits a relatively high failure rate early in its life (these failures are often design or manufacturing defects); defects are corrected, and the failure rate drops to a steady-state level for some time.

 After some time according to time passes, the failure rate rises again as hardware components suffer from multiple effects and many other environmental maladies. Stated simply, the hardware begins to wear out.


When we look at (Figure-B) the failure rate vs. time graph of the software initially, the failure rate is high due to defects and we correct these defects then the failure rate is reduced and fixed, but this is an idealized curve and it never happens in real life scenario. The actual curve is drawn above the idealized curve in the actual software curve initially the failure rate is high because of undetected defects and when we correct these defects then steady leave is started as we know changes are very common in the software when we added these changes this failure rate will increase due to update in the code and addition of new defects when this failure is increased we corrected all the defects and failure rate comes down this process continuously goes on and no wear out situation occur in the graph.

Another major difference between Software and Hardware is Software is Local Logical Unit and Hardware is Physical Unit.        


  • Early Detection of Defects: In software development, defects can often be detected early in the development cycle through rigorous testing and quality assurance processes. This can prevent defects from making it into the final product, reducing the likelihood of failure once the software is in use.
  • Rapid Bug Fixing: When software defects are identified after release, fixes can often be quickly deployed to users through updates or patches. This can reduce the impact of defects and prevent more serious failures from occurring.
  • Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics: Software can be remotely monitored and diagnosed for defects and errors, allowing developers to quickly identify and address problems before they become serious. This can reduce the likelihood of catastrophic failure and improve overall system reliability.
  • Continuous Improvement: Software can be continuously improved through updates and enhancements, making it more resilient and better able to handle changing business requirements and user needs. This can extend the life of the software and prevent premature failure.


  • Complexity: As software systems become more complex, they can become more difficult to design, build, test, and maintain. This can increase the likelihood of defects and failures, and make it more difficult to diagnose and fix problems when they occur.
  • Compatibility Issues: Software can become incompatible with other software, hardware, or operating systems, leading to failures or errors. This can be especially problematic when systems need to interact with each other, or when upgrades or changes are made to existing software.
  • Cybersecurity Risks: Software can be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats such as viruses, malware, and hacking. These threats can lead to data breaches, system failures, or other security issues that can impact the reliability and availability of the software.
  • Lack of Standardization: The lack of standardization in software development practices and technologies can lead to inconsistency and variability in software quality, making it difficult to predict or prevent failures. This can be especially problematic in custom-built software solutions where each project is unique and there is no established industry standard.
  • End-of-Life Issues: Software can become obsolete or unsupported over time, making it difficult or impossible to maintain or upgrade. This can lead to increased risk of failure as systems become more vulnerable to defects, security threats, or compatibility issues.