Fasal Interview Experience for Product Engineering Internship (6 Months) | Off-Campus 2021

Recently I interviewed with Fasal for 6 months internship as a Product Engineering Intern. I applied to Fasal through Linkedin and was fortunate enough to have an interview with the team. The whole interview process was smooth and virtual due to covid-19, I appeared for the process from my home.

There were a total of 5 rounds, the first round was a takeaway assignment, the second round was with the Technical Lead, the third round was with the CEO, the fourth round was with the Product and Operations Manager and finally the last round was with the Founder. I will brief you about all the rounds and the questions asked me during these rounds.

The Takeaway assignment Round: I was given to create a node application that would have the following features which are:

  • Registration of a new user into the website by providing name, email id, create a password and upload a profile picture
  • Login and Logout features for the user
  • Feature to update their profile later on after registration
  • Feature to the password reset for the user which I implemented using a security question feature

I was given 2-3 days to complete the assignment and was given full freedom to choose any framework and language to code. After creating the website I also hosted my website on Heroku and updated the entire code in my Github Repo. After the submission of my assignment, I was qualified for the second round.

Interview round with Technical Lead: In this round, I was asked a few questions based on the website which I was given to create in the previous round. I was asked some technical questions on web development and data structures and algorithms some questions included

  • Concepts of async and await in Nodejs
  • Callbacks in Javascript
  • Promises in Javascript
  • Cookie parser in Nodejs
  • What are JWT tokens and why are they used and their pros and cons?
  • What are middlewares in Nodejs?
  • Explain the working of Passport in Nodejs
  • Puzzle to solve on 3 ants and Triangle – Solution

Answers to all the above questions can be found on Google along with good examples. After completion of my technical interview, I was called for the third round.

Interview round with CEO: In this round, I was asked various questions about my past internship experiences. I was also asked that will I be able to work in teams and what I learned from my past internship experience. There were also questions asked on my academics in college and what all fields I have explored during my college days. Also got to know what the team works at Fasal and more about their products and teams. Was also asked about my technical skills and proficiency in them about my past personal projects during college days and about my favorite programming languages and subjects during my college days and some questions on data structures and algorithms. After completion of my interview, I was called for the fourth round.

Interview round with Product and Operations Manager: In this round, I was asked some questions related to my coursework and some questions on software engineering some questions where:

  • What is SDLC and what are the steps involved in this?
  • What are the different types of software testing models?
  • How can you create good software?
  • Why do you choose this profile and how you got motivated to go for a software development role?
  • What do you know about Fasal, what are its products, and how do we work?

The solution to the above problems can be found on Google along with good examples. 

Also, I was asked a puzzle based on jug and water, where there are two jugs a 3-liter jug and a 5-liter jug (this could also be in gallons). The jugs have no measurement lines on them either. How could you measure exactly 4 liters using only those jugs and as much extra water as you need? Solution. After completion of my interview, I was called for the fifth round.

Interview round with the Founder: In this round, I was first asked to give a brief difference between a resume and a CV. Then, I was asked to open my resume and explain up the things which I did in my college days including my internship experiences. I was also asked why I want to work for Fasal and how I would contribute to the company. Questions based on my technical skills.

After the completion of my final interview round, I was called by HR where I was informed that I have been selected for a Product Engineering Intern for 6 months with Fasal. Thanks a lot to w3wiki for providing good content on data structures and algorithms and web development as well along with interesting and famous puzzle collections.