FastAPI – Path Parameters

In this exploration, we’ll dive into the realm of FastAPI Path Parameters, unraveling their pivotal role in constructing dynamic and versatile APIs. FastAPI stands out as a contemporary web framework celebrated for its speed, tailor-made for crafting APIs in Python 3.7 and beyond. Leveraging standard Python-type hints, FastAPI simplifies the comprehension of a web service’s functionality for developers, automating the generation of comprehensive documentation.

What are Path Parameters in FastAPI?

Unlike traditional file-based URLs, modern web frameworks integrate routes or endpoints directly into the URL structure, enhancing user recall of application URLs. In FastAPI, this integral part of the URL is denoted as the path, appearing after the initial “/”. Path parameters in FastAPI empower developers to extract variable values from the URL’s path, introducing dynamicity to routes and enhancing API adaptability. This functionality proves invaluable in several scenarios:

  • Dynamic Routing: FastAPI’s path parameters enable the creation of a singular route capable of accommodating a spectrum of inputs. This significantly reduces the necessity for defining numerous identical routes, ultimately amplifying the flexibility of your API.
  • Data Retrieval: Frequently utilized for obtaining specific resources or data, path parameters prove instrumental by leveraging unique IDs provided within the URL. This dynamic approach streamlines the retrieval process and enhances the overall efficiency of the API.
  • Clean and Readable URLs: Path parameters contribute to the formation of intuitive, human-readable URLs. This not only facilitates user understanding but also aids developers in comprehending the purpose of a particular route. The resulting URLs are clear and concise and enhance both consumer and developer experiences.

In essence, by harnessing the capabilities of FastAPI Path Parameters, developers can architect APIs that are not only dynamic and adaptable but also boast clean and user-friendly URL structures. This not only enhances the functionality of the API but also contributes to improved maintainability and user satisfaction.

Types of Path Parameters in FastAPI

To ensure the accuracy of provided values and enforce expected data types in FastAPI, path parameters with specific types can be employed. This practice facilitates validation, guarding against potential issues arising from the use of incorrect parameter types. Here’s an illustrative example of utilizing path parameters with types in FastAPI:

String Path Parameter

In this example, the path parameter item_id is of type str


from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def read_item(item_id: str):
    return {"item_id": item_id}

Run the below command

uvicorn main:app --reload 



Integer Path Parameter

In this case, the path parameter item_id is of type int


from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def read_item(item_id: int):
    return {"item_id": item_id}

Run the below command

uvicorn  main:app --reload 



Float Path Parameter

The path parameter item_price is of type float


from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def read_item(item_price: float):
    return {"item_price": item_price}



Custom Data Type Path Parameter

In this example , a custom data type (Path) is used for the path parameter item_name, with additional metadata like a title


from fastapi import FastAPI, Path
app = FastAPI()
async def read_item(item_name: str = Path(..., title="The name of the item")):
    return {"item_name": item_name}

Run the below command :

uvicorn main:app --reload 




This Python code uses FastAPI to create a basic web API with two asynchronous endpoints. The first endpoint (“/”) responds to a GET request with a JSON message “Hello World.” The second endpoint (“/gfg/{name}”) responds to a GET request with a JSON message containing the provided name parameter. FastAPI handles routing and generates API documentation based on function signatures. The code runs the web application using the ASGI server, Uvicorn.


import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def index():
   return {"message": "Hello World"}
async def gfg(name):
   return {"name": name}

Now, run the UVICORN server in terminal using below command

uvicorn main:app --reload



In conclusion, FastAPI’s robust support for path parameters provides a powerful mechanism for handling dynamic data in API routes. Path parameters, coupled with type annotations, not only enhance code clarity but also contribute to effective data validation and error prevention. The framework’s automatic documentation generation based on parameter types further aids developers in creating well-documented APIs. Whether dealing with strings, integers, floats, or custom data types, FastAPI’s flexibility in handling path parameters facilitates the development of reliable and efficient web APIs. As a result, leveraging FastAPI’s path parameters proves instrumental in building scalable and maintainable applications.