Father’s of Various Fields (GK Notes)

Throughout history, some people have changed the way we understand things. We generally call them the fathers of that field. Candidates are requested to go through this list of fathers of various fields to prepare for General Knowledge in competitive exams.

List of Fathers of Various Fields

Below is the list of fathers of different fields that you can remember for General Knowledge Exams.

Sl No Field Name Name

Fathers of Various Fields at World Level

1 Economics Adam Smith
2 Modern Computer Alan Turing
3 Relativity Albert Einstein
4 DNA Fingerprinting Alec John Jeffreys
5 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
6 Comic Books Stan Lee (Marvel Comics) / Anant Pai (Indian Comics)
7 Anatomy Andreas Vesalius
8 Modern Chemistry Antoine Lavoisier
9 Microbiology/Microscopy Antonie Philips Van Leeuwenhoek
10 Comedy Aristophanes
11 Biology/Zoology/Embryology/Political Science Aristotle
12 Sociology Auguste Comte
13 Electricity Benjamin Franklin
14 Paleobotany Adolphe-Theodore Brongniart / Birbal Sahni (India)
15 Modern Biochemistry Carl Alexander Neuberg
16 Classification/Taxonomy Carl Linnaeus
17 Computer Charles Babbage
18 Evolution Charles Darwin
19 Physiology Claude Bernard
20 Modern Cinema David Wark Griffith
21 Ayurveda Dhanwantari
22 Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev
23 Vaccination/Immunology Edward Jenner
24 Biodiversity Edward O Wilson
25 Hydrogen Bomb Edward Teller
26 Geography Eratosthenes
27 Nuclear Physics Ernest Rutherford
28 Geometry Euclid
29 Modern Finance Eugene F. Fama
30 Modern Ecology Eugene P. Odum
31 Humanism Francesco Petrarca
32 Eugenics Francis Galton
33 Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor
34 Gene Therapy French Anderson
35 Modern Physics Galileo Galilei
36 English Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer
37 Computer Science George Boole / Alan Turing
38 Aviation George Cayley
39 Railways George Stephenson
40 Genetics Gregor Mendel
41 Homeopathy Heinemann
42 History Herodotus
43 Western Medicine/Modern Medicine Hippocrates
44 Blue Revolution Hiralal Chaudhari
45 Mutation theory Hugo De Vries
46 Architecture Imhotep
47 Classical Mechanics Isaac Newton
48 Atom Bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer
49 Modern Geology James Hutton
50 American Constitution James Madison
51 Geography James Rennell
52 Modern Education John Amos Comenius
53 Modern Democracy John Locke
54 Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy
55 Robotics Joseph F. Engelberger
56 Biotechnology Karl Ereky
57 Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
58 Bacteriology Louis Pasteur
59 Green Revolution M. S. Swaminathan / Norman Borlaug (India)
60 Modern Economics Paul Samuelson / M.G. Ranade (India)
61 Nuclear Science Marie Curie / Pierre Curie
62 Mobile Phone Martin Cooper
63 Quantum Mechanics Max Planck
64 Electronics Michael Faraday
65 Peasant Movement N. G. Ranga (Gogineni Ranga Nayukulu)
66 Modern Political Science Niccolo Machiavelli
67 Modern Astronomy Nicolaus Copernicus
68 Green Revolution/Agriculture Norman Ernest Borlaug
69 Nuclear Chemistry Otto Hahn
70 Sanskrit Grammar Panini
71 Genetic Engineering Paul Berg
72 Agronomy Peter – De- Cresenji
73 Modern Management Peter Georg Ferdinand Drucker
74 Television Philo Farnsworth
75 Modern Olympic Pierre De Coubertin
76 Modern Dentistry Pierre Fauchard
77 Linguistic Democracy Potti Sreeramulu
78 Numbers Pythagoras
79 Email Ray Tomlinson
80 Philosophy Rene Descartes
81 Nanotechnology Richard Smalley
82 Cytology Robert Hooke
83 Thermodynamics Sadi Carnot
84 New France Samuel de Champlain
85 Psychology Sigmund Freud
86 Plastic Surgery Sir Harold Gillies
87 Civil Engineering John Smeaton / Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (India)
88 Air Force Subroto Mukerjee (IAF)
89 Surgery Sushruta
90 Botany Theophrastus
91 Endocrinology Thomas Addison
92 White Revolution Verghese Kurien
93 Space Program Vikram Sarabhai
94 Pentium Chip Vinod Dham
95 Internet Vint Cerf
96 American Football Walter Chauncey Camp
97 Psychology Wilhelm Wundt
98 Blood Circulation William Harvey

Father of Various Fields(India)

Below is the list of Fathers name in various field at India level.

Sl No Field Name
1 Air Force Subroto Mukerjee
2 Blue Revolution Dr. Arun Krishnan and Hiralal Chaudhari
3 Cinema Dadasaheb Phalke (Dhundiraj Govind Phalke)
4 Civil Aviation J. R. D. Tata (Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata)
5 Civil Engineering Sir Mokshagundam Vishweshvaraiah
6 Comic Books Anant Pai
7 Geography James Rennell (1742-1830)
8 Gold Revolution Nirpakh Tutaj
9 Green Revolution M. S. Swaminathan (Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan)
10 Hindutva Swatantryaveer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
11 Hybrid Sorghum Neelamraju Ganga Prasada Rao
12 Indian Navy Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
13 Indian seeds industry B. R. Barwale
14 Linguistic Democracy Potti Sreeramulu
15 Missile Program A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
16 Modern Economics Mahadev Govind Ranade
17 Modern India Raja Ram Mohan Roy
18 Nation Mahatma Gandhi
19 Nuclear/Atomic Program Homi J. Bhabha
20 Paleobotany Birbal Sahni
21 Peasant Movement N. G. Ranga (Gogineni Ranga Nayukulu)
22 Pink Revolution Durgesh Patel
23 Political Father of the Green Revolution Chidambaram Subramaniam
24 Red Revolution Vishal Tewari
25 Republic of India / Modern India B. R. Ambedkar
26 Silver Revolution Indira Gandhi
27 Space Program Vikram Sarabhai
28 Surgery Sushruta
29 Veterinary Science Shalihotra
30 Wheat Revolution Dilbagh Singh Athwal
31 White Revolution Verghese Kurien
32 Yellow Revolution Sam Pitroda

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Fathers of Various Fields – FAQs

Who is the father of GK in India?

Bhikaiji Rustom Cama is the father of GK in India.

Who is father of biology?

Aristotle is the father of biology.

Who is father of maths?

Archimedes is the father of math.

Who found zero?

Brahmagupta founded Zero.