Fidelity International Internship Experience

I interviewed for an internship at Fidelity International during my 5th semester on campus. The interviewer was very polite, which helped ease my nerves. They began by asking basic questions about the projects listed on my resume.

My first project involved machine learning, specifically heart disease prediction using logistic regression. The interviewer reviewed the code and asked about fundamental concepts, such as why I chose to use a logistic regression model and the accuracy of the model.

Next, we discussed my Java project, which was a student management system built with Spring Boot. The interviewer examined the code and delved into topics like dependency injection, various annotations’ functionalities, and aspects of Spring Security, including authentication and authorization. Additionally, we covered some SQL concepts.

Following that, the interviewer posed approximately 20 questions related to Java. These questions included real-life business examples of stack and queue usage, data structure inquiries, and discussions on exception handling.

Toward the end of the interview, I was asked to solve a simple DSA problem.