FIELD() Function in MySQL

FIELD() function :
This function in MySQL is used to return the index position of a specified value in a list of given values. For example, if the given list is (β€œ3”, β€œ1”, β€œ2”) and the value is β€œ1” for which index position is going to be search, then this function will return 2 as the index position.

Features :

  • This function is used to find the index position of a given value in a list of specified values.
  • This function accepts two types of parameters.
  • First parameter is specified value to search for and second parameter is the specified list of values to search.
  • This function does a case-insensitive search.
  • If the given value is not present in the specified list of given values, this function returns 0.

Syntax :

FIELD(value, val1, val2, val3, ...)

Parameter :
This method accepts two parameters as given below :

  • value : Specified value to search for.
  • val1, val2, val3, … : Specified list of values to search.

Returns :
It return the index position of a specified value in a list of given values.

Example-1 :
Getting the index position 3 of the specified value 5 in the list of (β€œ1”, β€œ3”, β€œ5”, β€œ7”).

SELECT FIELD("5", "1", "3", "5", "7");

Output :


Example-2 :
Getting the index position 2 of the specified value 5 in the list of (β€œ2”, β€œ5”, β€œ5”, β€œ0”). Here in the list the value 5 is repeated two times but the function returns the index position of first time used value position only.

SELECT FIELD("5", "2", "5", "5", "0");

Output :


Example-3 :
Getting the index position 2 of the specified value β€œa” in the list of (β€œb”, β€œA”, β€œa”, β€œc”). Here alphabets β€œA” and β€œa” is used in the list but this function returns the index position of β€œA” for value β€œa” this happens because this function performs case-insensitive search.

SELECT FIELD("a", "b", "A", "a", "c");

Output :


Example-4 :
Getting the index position 3 of the specified value 4 in the numeric list of (0, 2, 4, 6, 8).

SELECT FIELD(4, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8);

Output :


Application :
This function is used to return the index position of a specified value in a list of given values.