Fifth Generation of Computers

By the time of the discovery of the computer through Charles Babbage, technology had advanced and superior in a completely vast manner. This development in technology and consequently the improvement of computer systems are grouped in numerous generations. Each generation of computer systems has a few vast alternates of their function and far greater benefit than the preceding generation of computer systems. So, it is often stated that a generation is regularly referred to as an alternate and development in the era. Basically, there are 5 generations of computer systems indexed under and they vary from each other in terms of architecture, occupying space, language, specification, function or operation performed, etc. Following is the list of computer generations:

1. First Generation of Computers(1940 – 1956): The duration from 1940-1956 changed into the duration of first-generation computer systems. They are essentially primarily based totally on vacuum tubes, and vacuum tubes are used because of the simple components for memory and circuitry for the CPU (Central Processing Unit). For example, UNIVAC-1 and ENIVAC.

2. Second Generation of Computers (1957 – 1963): This generation includes styles of gadgets transistors and magnetic core in the systems. For example, IBM 1401, IBM 1920, etc.

3. Third Generation of Computers(1964 – 1971): Computer circuits changed the usage of transistors within-side the third generation of computer systems. Integrated Circuits themselves include many transistors, capacitors, and resistors and because of this third-generation computer systems are smaller in size, efficient, and extra reliable. For example, CDC 1700, IBM-360 Series, etc.

4. Fourth Generation of Computers(1972 onward): VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) Circuit or they’re additionally referred to as microprocessors are utilized in this generation. A microprocessor chip is made from hundreds of Integrated Circuits construct on a single silicon chip. The use of Personal Computer(PCs) elevated on this generation and First Personal Computer (PC) changed into advanced through IBM. For example, Apple, CRAY-1, etc.  

5. Fifth Generation of Computers(Present and Future): It is primarily based totally on Artificial intelligence (AI) software. Artificial intelligence describes the medium and manner of creating computer systems like people, the manner human thinks, the manner people act, etc. and that is a rising department and has all of the scopes for studies work too. For example, PARAM 10000, IBM notebooks, etc.

Fifth Generation Computers

Fifth-generation computers were introduced after the fourth-generation computers were invented. Fifth-generation computers, also known as modern computers, are still in the development stage and are based on artificial intelligence. In 1982, Japan was invented the FGCS (Fifth Generation Computer System). Computers of this generation are based on microelectronic technology with high computing power and parallel processing.  

This is the most recent and technologically advanced computer generation. Modern high-level languages such as Python, R, C#, Java, and others are used as input methods. These are incredibly dependable and use the Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) technology. War. Parallel processing hardware and artificial intelligence software are used in computers. 

These computers are at the cutting edge of modern scientific computations and are being utilized to develop artificial intelligence (AI) software. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a popular discipline of computer science that examines the meaning and methods for programming computers to behave like humans. It is still in its infancy.

In the fifth generation of computers, all high-level languages are employed. The primary goal of the fifth generation is to create machines that can learn and organize themselves. Artificial intelligence and parallel processing hardware are at the heart of this generation of computers, and artificial intelligence encompasses terms like Robotics, Neural Networks, etc.

The fundamental goal of this system is to make development in artificial intelligence and incorporate it into a new generation of extremely powerful computers that can be used by the average person. AI-based systems are employed in a variety of real-world applications and give a variety of benefits. When a specific set of knowledge and skills is required, systems are capable of performing well in scenarios that a human could encounter with the help of proper training. They do not, however, fit in situations where there is a need for tacit knowledge and a human can get it by talking in natural language and is concerned with form and speech recognition

The usage of AI, which helps to make computers more powerful, is one of the primary elements of 5th generation computers. From navigation to browsing, AI applications may be found everywhere. It’s also used for video analysis, image processing, and other tasks. Artificial intelligence is projected to automate practically every element of computing.

Even though they are still in development, computers in the fifth generation are more powerful, functional, and speedy. Some of the benefits of computers that use ULSI (Ultra Large-Scale Integration) technology. The fifth-generation computers employ AI (artificial intelligence) technology, which includes expert system development, gameplay, and more. These machines were able to interpret human language as well as recognize graphs and photos thanks to AI technology. Fifth-generation computers are being developed to address extremely difficult tasks, such as working with natural language. They will, hopefully, be able to utilize more than one CPU and will be less expensive than the current generation. It is relatively simple to move these computers from one location to another. Some fifth-generation computers are PARAM 10000, IBM notebooks, Intel P4, Laptops, etc.

Features of Fifth-generation Computers

Following are some features of fifth-generation computers:

  • The ULSI (ultra large scale integration) technology is used in this generation of computers.
  • Natural language processing is now in its fifth phase of development.
  • In this generation’s computers, artificial intelligence has progressed.
  • Parallel processing has advanced on these computers.
  • The fifth-generation computer includes more user-friendly interfaces and multimedia functions.
  • These PCs can be purchased for a lower price.
  • Computers that are more portable and powerful.
  • Computers are dependable and less expensive.
  • It’s easier to manufacture in a commercial setting.
  • Desktop computers are straightforward to operate.
  • Mainframe computers are extremely efficient.

Advantages of Fifth Generation of Computer

Following are some advantages of fifth-generation computers:

  • These computers are far quicker than previous generations.
  • These computers are simpler to repair.
  • These computers are substantially smaller in size than other generation computers.
  • They are lightweight and easy to move.
  • True artificial intelligence is being developed.
  • Parallel Processing has progressed.
  • Superconductor technology has progressed.

Disadvantages of Fifth Generation of Computer

Following are some disadvantages of fifth-generation computers:

  • They’re usually sophisticated but could be difficult to use.
  • They can give businesses additional power to monitor your activities and potentially infect your machine.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What this counting machine is called developed by Charles Babbage known as the father of the computer?


Charles Babbage developed a counting machine called a difference engine.

Question 2: Which generation of computers uses integrated circuits?


The third generation computers were the enhanced version of second-generation computers they used integrated circuits.

Question 3: What are the key technologies used in the fifth generation of computers?


VLSI architecture, parallel processing such as data flow control, logic programming, knowledge base based on a relational database, and applied artificial intelligence and pattern processing appear to be the key feature of fifth generation computer.

Question 4: Which generation support AI? 


Fifth generation computers support AI(Artificial Intelligence).

Question 5: Which generation of computers supports the operating system and other application software?


Third generation computers supports operating system and other application software.