Find a string which matches all the patterns in the given array

Given an array of strings arr[] which contains patterns of characters and “*” denoting any set of characters including the empty string. The task is to find a string that matches all the patterns in the array.
Note: If there is no such possible pattern, print -1. 

Input: arr[] = {“pq*du*q”, “pq*abc*q”, “p*d*q”} 
Output: pqduabcdq 
Pattern “pqduabcdq” matches all the strings: 
String 1: 
First “*” can be replaced by a empty string. 
Second “*” can be replaced by “abcdq”. 
String 2: 
First “*” can be replaced by “du” 
Second “*” can be replaced by “d” 
String 3: 
First “*” can be replaced by “q” 
Second “*” can be replaced by “uabcd”
Input: arr[] = {“a*c”, “*”} 
Output: ac 

Approach: The idea is to find the common prefix and suffix string in all the patterns and then the middle of every pattern can be replaced by the first or last “*” in every pattern. Below is the illustration of the approach:

  • Create three empty strings that match with the prefix, suffix, and middle portion of every pattern.
  • Iterate over every pattern in the array, For every pattern: 
    • Find the first and last “*” in the pattern.
    • Iterate over the existing prefix and check that if it matches the current prefix of the pattern, If any character doesn’t match with the pattern, return -1.
    • If there is some portion that is leftover in the prefix of the current pattern, then append it to the prefix of the common string.
    • Similarly, match the suffix of the pattern.
    • Finally, append all the middle characters of the string except the “*” in the middle initialized string for the common string.
  • Finally, concatenate the portions of the common string that is the prefix, middle, and the suffix portion of the string.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation to find the
// string which matches
// all the patterns
using namespace std;
// Function to find a common string
// which matches all the pattern
string find(vector<string> S,int N)
    // For storing prefix till
    // first most * without conflicts
    string pref;
    // For storing suffix till
    // last most * without conflicts
    string suff;
    // For storing all middle
    // characters between
    // first and last *
    string mid;
    // Loop to iterate over every
    // pattern of the array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Index of the first "*"
        int first = int(
        // Index of Last "*"
        int last = int(
        // Iterate over the first "*"
        for (int z = 0; z < int(pref.size()) &&
                              z < first; z++) {
            if (pref[z] != S[i][z]) {
                return "*";
        // Prefix till first most *
        // without conflicts
        for (int z = int(pref.size());
                       z < first; z++) {
            pref += S[i][z];
        // Iterate till last
        // most * from last
        for (int z = 0; z < int(suff.size()) &&
               int(S[i].size())-1-z > last; z++) {
            if (suff[z] != S[i][int(S[i].size())-1-z]) {
                return "*";
        // Make suffix till last
        // most * without conflicts
        for (int z = int(suff.size());
         int(S[i].size())-1-z > last; z++) {
            suff += S[i][int(S[i].size())-1-z];
        // Take all middle characters
        // in between first and last most *
        for (int z = first; z <= last; z++) {
            if (S[i][z] != '*') mid += S[i][z];
    reverse(suff.begin(), suff.end());
    return pref + mid + suff;
// Driver Code
int main() {
    int N = 3;
    vector<string> s(N);
    // Take all
    // the strings
    // Method for finding
    // common string
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    // Function to find a common string
    // which matches all the pattern
    public static String find(ArrayList<String> S,int N) {
        // For storing prefix till
        // first most * without conflicts
        String pref = "";
        // For storing suffix till
        // last most * without conflicts
        String suff = "";
        // For storing all middle
        // characters between
        // first and last *
        String mid = "";
        // Loop to iterate over every
        // pattern of the array
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // Index of the first "*"
            int first = S.get(i).indexOf('*');
            // Index of Last "*"
            int last = S.get(i).lastIndexOf('*');
            // Iterate over the first "*"
            for (int z = 0; z < pref.length() && z < first; z++) {
                if (pref.charAt(z) != S.get(i).charAt(z)) {
                    return "*";
            // Prefix till first most *
            // without conflicts
            for (int z = pref.length(); z < first; z++) {
                pref += S.get(i).charAt(z);
            // Iterate till last
            // most * from last
            for (int z = 0; z < suff.length() &&
                   S.get(i).length()-1-z > last; z++) {
                if (suff.charAt(z) != S.get(i).charAt(S.get(i).length()-1-z)) {
                    return "*";
            // Make suffix till last
            // most * without conflicts
            for (int z = suff.length();
                 S.get(i).length()-1-z > last; z++) {
                suff += S.get(i).charAt(S.get(i).length()-1-z);
            // Take all middle characters
            // in between first and last most *
            for (int z = first; z <= last; z++) {
                if (S.get(i).charAt(z) != '*') mid += S.get(i).charAt(z);
        suff = new StringBuilder(suff).reverse().toString();
        return pref + mid + suff;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int N = 3;
        ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<>();
        // Take all
        // the strings
        // Method for finding
        // common string
        System.out.println(find(s, N));
// This code is contributed by divyansh2212


# Python3 implementation
# to find the string which
# matches all the patterns
# Function to find a common
# string which matches all
# the pattern
def find(S, N):
    # For storing prefix
    # till first most *
    # without conflicts
    pref = ""
    # For storing suffix
    # till last most *
    # without conflicts
    suff = ""
    # For storing all middle
    # characters between
    # first and last *
    mid = ""
    # Loop to iterate over every
    # pattern of the array
    for i in range(N):
        # Index of the first "*"
        first = int(S[i].index("*"))
        # Index of Last "*"
        last = int(S[i].rindex("*"))
        # Iterate over the first "*"
        for z in range(len(pref)):
            if(z < first):
                if(pref[z] != S[i][z]):
                    return "*"
        # Prefix till first most *
        # without conflicts
        for z in range(len(pref),first):
            pref += S[i][z];
        # Iterate till last
        # most * from last
        for z in range(len(suff)):
            if(len(S[i]) - 1 - z > last):
                if(suff[z] != S[i][len(S[i]) - 1 - z]):
                    return "*"
        # Make suffix till last
        # most * without conflicts
        for z in range(len(suff),
                       len(S[i]) - 1 - last):
            suff += S[i][len(S[i]) - 1 - z]
        # Take all middle characters
        # in between first and last most *
        for z in range(first, last + 1):
            if(S[i][z] != '*'):
                mid += S[i][z]
    suff=suff[:: -1]
    return pref + mid + suff
# Driver Code
N = 3
s = ["" for i in range(N)]
# Take all
# the strings
s[0] = "pq*du*q"
s[1] = "pq*abc*q"
s[2] = "p*d*q"
# Method for finding
# common string
print(find(s, N))
# This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


// C# program to find the
// string which matches
// all the patterns
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
    // Function to find a common string
    // which matches all the pattern
    static string Find(List<string> S, int N)
        // For storing prefix till
        // first most * without conflicts
        string pref = "";
         // For storing suffix till
        // last most * without conflicts
        string suff = "";
        // For storing all middle
        // characters between
        // first and last *
        string mid = "";
        // Loop to iterate over every
        // pattern of the array
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            // Index of the first "*"
            int first = S[i].IndexOf('*');
            // Index of Last "*"
            int last = S[i].LastIndexOf('*');
            // Iterate over the first "*"
            for (int z = 0; z < pref.Length && z < first; z++)
                if (pref[z] != S[i][z])
                    return "*";
            // Prefix till first most *
            // without conflicts
            for (int z = pref.Length; z < first; z++)
                pref += S[i][z];
            // Iterate till last
            // most * from last
            for (int z = 0; z < suff.Length && S[i].Length - 1 - z > last; z++)
                if (suff[z] != S[i][S[i].Length - 1 - z])
                    return "*";
            // Make suffix till last
            // most * without conflicts
            for (int z = suff.Length; S[i].Length - 1 - z > last; z++)
                suff += S[i][S[i].Length - 1 - z];
            // Take all middle characters
            // in between first and last most *
            for (int z = first; z <= last; z++)
                if (S[i][z] != '*')
                    mid += S[i][z];
        return pref + mid + new string(suff.Reverse().ToArray());
    // Driver code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int N = 3;
        // Take all
        // the strings
        List<string> S = new List<string>() { "pq*du*q", "pq*abc*q", "p*d*q" };
        // Method for finding
        // common string
        Console.WriteLine(Find(S, N));
// This code is contributed by Prince Kumar


// Function to find a common string which matches all the pattern
function find(S, N) {
  // For storing prefix till first most * without conflicts
  let pref = "";
  // For storing suffix till last most * without conflicts
  let suff = "";
  // For storing all middle characters between first and last *
  let mid = "";
  // Loop to iterate over every pattern of the array
  for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    // Index of the first "*"
    const first = S[i].indexOf("*");
    // Index of Last "*"
    const last = S[i].lastIndexOf("*");
    // Iterate over the first "*"
    for (let z = 0; z < pref.length; z++) {
      if (z < first) {
        if (pref[z] !== S[i][z]) {
          return "*";
    // Prefix till first most * without conflicts
    for (let z = pref.length; z < first; z++) {
      pref += S[i][z];
    // Iterate till last most * from last
    for (let z = 0; z < suff.length; z++) {
      if (S[i].length - 1 - z > last) {
        if (suff[z] !== S[i][S[i].length - 1 - z]) {
          return "*";
    // Make suffix till last most * without conflicts
    for (let z = suff.length; z < S[i].length - 1 - last; z++) {
      suff += S[i][S[i].length - 1 - z];
    // Take all middle characters in between first and last most *
    for (let z = first; z <= last; z++) {
      if (S[i][z] !== "*") {
        mid += S[i][z];
  // Reverse the suffix
  suff = suff.split("").reverse().join("");
  // Return the common string
  return pref + mid + suff;
// Driver Code
const N = 3;
const s = ["", "", ""];
// Take all the strings
s[0] = "pq*du*q";
s[1] = "pq*abc*q";
s[2] = "p*d*q";
// Method for finding common string
console.log(find(s, N));

