Find Average of a Number Digits in Python

AIn this article, we will see how to find the average of the digits of a number in Python.


Input: N = 642
Output: 4.0
Explanation: (6+4+2)/3 = 12/3 = 4.0

Input: N = 3504
Output: 3.0
Explanation: (3+5+0+4)/4 = 12/4 = 3.0

Calculate the average of a number of digits in python if the number is an integer:

Follow the below steps to solve the problem:

  • Loop over the digits of the number.
  • Count the total number of digits of the number
  • Calculate the sum of all the digits of the number
  • Calculate and return the number digit average

Following is an implementation of the above approach: 


# Python function to find the
# average of all the digits of a number
def digitAverage(n):
    digiSum, digiLen = 0, 0
    # loop over the digits of the number
    while n:
        # calculating the number of all the digits
        digiLen += 1
        # calculating the sum of all the digits
        digiSum += n % 10
        # remove the last digit from the original number
        # to continue to loop over the digits
        n = n//10
    # calculate and return the average
    return (digiSum/digiLen)



Time complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Calculate the average of a number of digits in python if the number is a floating-point number:

In case the input number is a floating point number, we will first convert it into an integer by shifting all the decimal digits by repeatedly multiplying it by 10. 

To check if a float is equivalent to an integer we can use the is_integer() method of the float class.

Follow the below steps to solve the problem:

  • First, we will repeatedly  multiply the decimal number by 10  until it becomes an integer
  • Then we can simply follow our previous approach
  • Loop over the digits of the number.
  • Count the total number of digits of the number
  • Calculate the sum of all the digits of the number
  • Calculate and return the number digit average

Following is an implementation of the above approach: 


# Python function to find the average
# of all the digits of a number
def digitAverage(n):
    # changing the float into an integer
    # by repeatedly multiplying the number by 10
    n = float(n)
    while not n.is_integer():
        n *= 10
    digiSum, digiLen = 0, 0
    # loop over the digits of the number
    while n:
        # calculating the number of all the digits
        digiLen += 1
        # calculating the sum of all the digits
        digiSum += n % 10
        # remove the last digit from the original number
        # to continue to loop over the digits
        n = n//10
    # calculate and return the average
    return (digiSum/digiLen)



Time complexity: O(d), d is the number of digits in the given number n.
Auxiliary space: O(1).