Find distance from root to given node in a binary tree

Given the root of a binary tree and a key x in it, find the distance of the given key from the root. Dis­tance means the num­ber of edges between two nodes.


Input : x = 45,
Root of below tree
/ \
10 15
/ \ / \
20 25 30 35
Output : Distance = 3
There are three edges on path
from root to 45.
For more understanding of question,
in above tree distance of 35 is two
and distance of 10 is 1.
Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

Approach: The idea is to traverse the tree from the root. Check if x is present at the root or in the left subtree or in the right subtree. We initialize distance as -1 and add 1 to distance for all three cases. 



// C++ program to find distance of a given
// node from root.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A Binary Tree Node
struct Node
    int data;
    Node *left, *right;
// A utility function to create a new Binary
// Tree Node
Node *newNode(int item)
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = item;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return temp;
// Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
// returns distance of x from root
int findDistance(Node *root, int x)
    // Base case
    if (root == NULL)
      return -1;
    // Initialize distance
    int dist = -1;
    // Check if x is present at root or in left
    // subtree or right subtree.
    if ((root->data == x) ||
        (dist = findDistance(root->left, x)) >= 0 ||
        (dist = findDistance(root->right, x)) >= 0)
        return dist + 1;
    return dist;
// Driver Program to test above functions
int main()
    Node *root = newNode(5);
    root->left = newNode(10);
    root->right = newNode(15);
    root->left->left = newNode(20);
    root->left->right = newNode(25);
    root->left->right->right = newNode(45);
    root->right->left = newNode(30);
    root->right->right = newNode(35);
    cout << findDistance(root, 45);
    return 0;


// Java program to find distance of a given
// node from root.
import java.util.*;
class GfG {
// A Binary Tree Node
static class Node
    int data;
    Node left, right;
// A utility function to create a new Binary
// Tree Node
static Node newNode(int item)
    Node temp = new Node(); = item;
    temp.left = null;
    temp.right = null;
    return temp;
// Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
// returns distance of x from root
static int findDistance(Node root, int x)
    // Base case
    if (root == null)
    return -1;
    // Initialize distance
    int dist = -1;
    // Check if x is present at root or in left
    // subtree or right subtree.
    if (( == x) ||
        (dist = findDistance(root.left, x)) >= 0 ||
        (dist = findDistance(root.right, x)) >= 0)
        return dist + 1;
    return dist;
// Driver Program to test above functions
public static void main(String[] args)
    Node root = newNode(5);
    root.left = newNode(10);
    root.right = newNode(15);
    root.left.left = newNode(20);
    root.left.right = newNode(25);
    root.left.right.right = newNode(45);
    root.right.left = newNode(30);
    root.right.right = newNode(35);
    System.out.println(findDistance(root, 45));


# Python3 program to find distance of
# a given node from root.
# A class to create a new Binary
# Tree Node
class newNode:
    def __init__(self, item): = item
        self.left = self.right = None
# Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree.
# Else returns distance of x from root
def findDistance(root, x):
    # Base case
    if (root == None):
        return -1
    # Initialize distance
    dist = -1
    # Check if x is present at root or
    # in left subtree or right subtree.
    if ( == x):
        return dist + 1
        dist = findDistance(root.left, x)
        if dist >= 0:
            return dist + 1
            dist = findDistance(root.right, x)
            if dist >= 0:
                return dist + 1
    return dist
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = newNode(5)
    root.left = newNode(10)
    root.right = newNode(15)
    root.left.left = newNode(20)
    root.left.right = newNode(25)
    root.left.right.right = newNode(45)
    root.right.left = newNode(30)
    root.right.right = newNode(35)
    print(findDistance(root, 45))
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


// C# program to find distance of a given
// node from root.
using System;
class GfG
    // A Binary Tree Node
    class Node
        public int data;
        public Node left, right;
    // A utility function to create 
    // a new Binary Tree Node
    static Node newNode(int item)
        Node temp = new Node(); = item;
        temp.left = null;
        temp.right = null;
        return temp;
    // Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
    // returns distance of x from root
    static int findDistance(Node root, int x)
        // Base case
        if (root == null)
        return -1;
        // Initialize distance
        int dist = -1;
        // Check if x is present at root or in left
        // subtree or right subtree.
        if (( == x) ||
            (dist = findDistance(root.left, x)) >= 0 ||
            (dist = findDistance(root.right, x)) >= 0)
            return dist + 1;
        return dist;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Node root = newNode(5);
        root.left = newNode(10);
        root.right = newNode(15);
        root.left.left = newNode(20);
        root.left.right = newNode(25);
        root.left.right.right = newNode(45);
        root.right.left = newNode(30);
        root.right.right = newNode(35);
        Console.WriteLine(findDistance(root, 45));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript program to find distance
// of a given node from root.
// A Binary Tree Node
class Node
    // A utility function to create a
    // new Binary Tree Node
    { = data;
        this.left = this.right = null;
// Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
// returns distance of x from root
function findDistance(root, x)
    // Base case
    if (root == null)
        return -1;
    // Initialize distance
    let dist = -1;
    // Check if x is present at root or in left
    // subtree or right subtree.
    if (( == x) ||
        (dist = findDistance(root.left, x)) >= 0 ||
        (dist = findDistance(root.right, x)) >= 0)
        return dist + 1;
    return dist;
// Driver code
let root = new Node(5);
root.left = new Node(10);
root.right = new Node(15);
root.left.left = new Node(20);
root.left.right = new Node(25);
root.left.right.right = new Node(45);
root.right.left = new Node(30);
root.right.right = new Node(35);
document.write(findDistance(root, 45));
// This code is contributed by rag2127



Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Approach 2: Iterative Approach

The above recursive approach can also be converted to an iterative approach by using a queue. Here is the iterative approach:

  • Start from the root node of the binary tree.
  • Create a queue and add the root node to the queue.
  • Create a map to store the parent of each node. Initialize the map with the root node’s parent as NULL.
  • Create a variable to keep track of the distance from the root node.
  • While the queue is not empty, dequeue a node and check if it is the target node.
    • If the node is the target node, return the distance from the root node.
    • If the node is not the target node, enqueue its left and right children (if they exist) and update their parent in the map.
    • Increment the distance from the root node.
  • Repeat steps 5-8 until the queue is empty or the target node is found.


// C++ program to find distance of a given
// node from root.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A Binary Tree Node
struct Node
    int data;
    Node *left, *right;
// A utility function to create a new Binary
// Tree Node
Node *newNode(int item)
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = item;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return temp;
// Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
// returns distance of x from root
int findDistance(Node* root, int x) {
    if (root == NULL) {
        return -1;
    queue<Node*> q;
    int dist = 0;
    while (!q.empty()) {
        int size = q.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Node* curr = q.front();
            if (curr->data == x) {
                return dist;
            if (curr->left) {
            if (curr->right) {
    return -1;
// Driver Program to test above functions
int main()
    Node *root = newNode(5);
    root->left = newNode(10);
    root->right = newNode(15);
    root->left->left = newNode(20);
    root->left->right = newNode(25);
    root->left->right->right = newNode(45);
    root->right->left = newNode(30);
    root->right->right = newNode(35);
    cout << findDistance(root, 45);
    return 0;


//Java code for the above approach
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
public class Main {
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node left, right;
        Node(int item) {
            data = item;
            left = right = null;
    // Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in the tree. Else returns the distance of x from the root
    static int findDistance(Node root, int x) {
        if (root == null) {
            return -1;
        Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        int dist = 0;
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int size = queue.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                Node curr = queue.poll();
                if ( == x) {
                    return dist;
                if (curr.left != null) {
                if (curr.right != null) {
        return -1;
    // Driver Program to test above functions
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Node root = new Node(5);
        root.left = new Node(10);
        root.right = new Node(15);
        root.left.left = new Node(20);
        root.left.right = new Node(25);
        root.left.right.right = new Node(45);
        root.right.left = new Node(30);
        root.right.right = new Node(35);
        System.out.println(findDistance(root, 45));


# Python Program for the above approach
from queue import Queue
# A Binary Tree Node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
# returns distance of x from root
def findDistance(root, x):
    if root is None:
        return -1
    q = Queue()
    dist = 0
    # till queue is not empty
    while not q.empty():
        size = q.qsize()
        for i in range(size):
            curr = q.get()
            if == x:
                return dist
            if curr.left:
            if curr.right:
        dist += 1
    return -1
# Driver Program to test above functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Node(5)
    root.left = Node(10)
    root.right = Node(15)
    root.left.left = Node(20)
    root.left.right = Node(25)
    root.left.right.right = Node(45)
    root.right.left = Node(30)
    root.right.right = Node(35)
    print(findDistance(root, 45))
# This Code is contributed by Kirti Agarwal


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Node
    public int data;
    public Node left, right;
    public Node(int item)
        data = item;
        left = right = null;
public class GFG
    // Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
    // returns distance of x from root
    public static int FindDistance(Node root, int x)
        if (root == null)
            return -1;
        Queue<Node> q = new Queue<Node>();
        int dist = 0;
        while (q.Count > 0)
            int size = q.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                Node curr = q.Dequeue();
                if ( == x)
                    return dist;
                if (curr.left != null)
                if (curr.right != null)
        return -1;
    // Driver Program to
    // test above functions
    public static void Main()
        Node root = new Node(5);
        root.left = new Node(10);
        root.right = new Node(15);
        root.left.left = new Node(20);
        root.left.right = new Node(25);
        root.left.right.right = new Node(45);
        root.right.left = new Node(30);
        root.right.right = new Node(35);
        Console.WriteLine(FindDistance(root, 45));


// A Binary Tree Node
class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
// Returns -1 if x doesn't exist in tree. Else
// returns distance of x from root
function findDistance(root, x) {
    if (root === null) {
        return -1;
    let queue = [];
    let dist = 0;
    while (queue.length > 0) {
        let size = queue.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            let curr = queue.shift();
            if ( === x) {
                return dist;
            if (curr.left) {
            if (curr.right) {
    return -1;
// Driver Program to test above functions
let root = new Node(5);
root.left = new Node(10);
root.right = new Node(15);
root.left.left = new Node(20);
root.left.right = new Node(25);
root.left.right.right = new Node(45);
root.right.left = new Node(30);
root.right.right = new Node(35);
console.log(findDistance(root, 45));



Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree.
Space Complexity: O(w) where w is the maximum width of the tree.