Find number of pairs (x, y) in an Array such that x^y > y^x | Set 2

Given two arrays X[] and Y[] of positive integers, find the number of pairs such that x^y > y^x where x is an element from X[] and y is an element from Y[].

Input: X[] = {2, 1, 6}, Y = {1, 5} 
The 3 possible pairs are: 
(2, 1) => 21 > 12 
(2, 5) => 25 (= 32) > 52 (= 25) 
(6, 1) => 61 > 16
Input: X[] = {10, 19, 18}, Y[] = {11, 15, 9} 
The possible pairs are (10, 11) and (10, 15).

For Naive Approach [ O(M*N) ] and [ O(N logN + M logN) ] approach, please refer Set 1 of this article.
Efficient Approach: The above two approaches can be further optimized in O(N) time complexity.
This approach uses the concept of suffix sum to find the solution. We can observe that if y > x, then x^y > y^x. However, the following base cases and exceptions need to be considered:

  • If x = 0, then count of possible y is 0.
  • If x = 1, then count of possible y is the frequency of 0’s is the Y[] is the required answer.
  • If x = 2, 23 < 32 and 24 = 42. Hence, for x = 2, we cannot have a valid pair with y = {2, 3, 4}. Hence, the sum of frequencies of 0, 1, and all numbers gt 4 in Y[] gives us the count of required valid pairs
  • If x = 3, the sum of all frequencies except 3 in Y[] gives us the required count of possible pairs.

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Store the frequencies of every element of Y array.
  • Store the suffix sum of the array containing the frequencies.
  • For every element x in X[] which does not belong to any of the base cases, the possible number of y’s will be suffix[x+1] + count of 0’s in Y[] + count of 1’s in Y[]. For the base cases, compute the pairs accordingly as discussed above.
  • Print the total count of pairs.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to finds the number of
// pairs (x, y) from X[] and Y[]
// such that x^y > y^x
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the count of pairs
int countPairs(int X[], int Y[], int m,
               int n)
    vector<int> suffix(1005);
    long long total_pairs = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // Compute suffix sums till i = 3
    for (int i = 1e3; i >= 3; i--)
        suffix[i] += suffix[i + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        // Base Case: x = 0
        if (X[i] == 0)
            // No valid pairs
        // Base Case: x = 1
        else if (X[i] == 1) {
            // Store the count of 0's
            total_pairs += suffix[0];
        // Base Case: x = 2
        else if (X[i] == 2)
            // Store suffix sum upto 5
            total_pairs += suffix[5];
        // Base Case: x = 3
        else if (X[i] == 3)
            // Store count of 2 and
            // suffix sum upto 4
            total_pairs += suffix[2]
                           + suffix[4];
        // For all other values of x
            total_pairs += suffix[X[i] + 1];
        // For all x >=2, every y = 0
        // and every y = 1 makes a valid pair
        total_pairs += suffix[0] + suffix[1];
    // Return the count of pairs
    return total_pairs;
// Driver Program
int main()
    int X[] = { 10, 19, 18 };
    int Y[] = { 11, 15, 9 };
    int m = sizeof(X) / sizeof(X[0]);
    int n = sizeof(Y) / sizeof(Y[0]);
    cout << countPairs(X, Y, m, n);
    return 0;


// Java program to finds the number of
// pairs (x, y) from X[] and Y[]
// such that x^y > y^x
class GFG{
// Function to return the count of pairs
static int countPairs(int X[], int Y[], int m,
                      int n)
    int []suffix = new int[1005];
    long total_pairs = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // Compute suffix sums till i = 3
    for(int i = (int)1e3; i >= 3; i--)
        suffix[i] += suffix[i + 1];
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        // Base Case: x = 0
        if (X[i] == 0)
            // No valid pairs
        // Base Case: x = 1
        else if (X[i] == 1)
            // Store the count of 0's
            total_pairs += suffix[0];
        // Base Case: x = 2
        else if (X[i] == 2)
            // Store suffix sum upto 5
            total_pairs += suffix[5];
        // Base Case: x = 3
        else if (X[i] == 3)
            // Store count of 2 and
            // suffix sum upto 4
            total_pairs += suffix[2] +
        // For all other values of x
            total_pairs += suffix[X[i] + 1];
        // For all x >=2, every y = 0
        // and every y = 1 makes a valid pair
        total_pairs += suffix[0] + suffix[1];
    // Return the count of pairs
    return (int) total_pairs;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int X[] = { 10, 19, 18 };
    int Y[] = { 11, 15, 9 };
    int m = X.length;
    int n = Y.length;
    System.out.print(countPairs(X, Y, m, n));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 program to finds the number of
# pairs (x, y) from X[] and Y[]
# such that x^y > y^x
# Function to return the count of pairs
def countPairs(X, Y, m, n):
    suffix = [0] * 1005
    total_pairs = 0
    for i in range(n):
        suffix[Y[i]] += 1
    # Compute suffix sums till i = 3
    for i in range(int(1e3), 2, -1 ):
        suffix[i] += suffix[i + 1]
    for i in range(m):
        # Base Case: x = 0
        if(X[i] == 0):
            # No valid pairs
        # Base Case: x = 1
        elif(X[i] == 1):
            # Store the count of 0's
            total_pairs += suffix[0]
        # Base Case: x = 2
        elif(X[i] == 2):
            # Store suffix sum upto 5
            total_pairs += suffix[5]
        # Base Case: x = 3
        elif(X[i] == 3):
            # Store count of 2 and
            # suffix sum upto 4
            total_pairs += (suffix[2] +
        # For all other values of x
            total_pairs += suffix[X[i] + 1]
        # For all x >=2, every y = 0
        # and every y = 1 makes a valid pair
        total_pairs += suffix[0] + suffix[1]
    # Return the count of pairs
    return total_pairs
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    X = [ 10, 19, 18 ]
    Y = [ 11, 15, 9 ]
    m = len(X)
    n = len(Y)
    print(countPairs(X, Y, m, n))
# This code is contributed by Shivam Singh


// C# program to finds the number of
// pairs (x, y) from []X and []Y
// such that x^y > y^x
using System;
class GFG{
    // Function to return the count of pairs
    static int countPairs(int[] X, int[] Y, int m, int n)
        int[] suffix = new int[1005];
        long total_pairs = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Compute suffix sums till i = 3
        for (int i = (int)1e3; i >= 3; i--)
            suffix[i] += suffix[i + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            // Base Case: x = 0
            if (X[i] == 0)
                // No valid pairs
            // Base Case: x = 1
            else if (X[i] == 1)
                // Store the count of 0's
                total_pairs += suffix[0];
            // Base Case: x = 2
            else if (X[i] == 2)
                // Store suffix sum upto 5
                total_pairs += suffix[5];
            // Base Case: x = 3
            else if (X[i] == 3)
                // Store count of 2 and
                // suffix sum upto 4
                total_pairs += suffix[2] + suffix[4];
            // For all other values of x
                total_pairs += suffix[X[i] + 1];
            // For all x >=2, every y = 0
            // and every y = 1 makes a valid pair
            total_pairs += suffix[0] + suffix[1];
        // Return the count of pairs
        return (int)total_pairs;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] X = {10, 19, 18};
        int[] Y = {11, 15, 9};
        int m = X.Length;
        int n = Y.Length;
        Console.Write(countPairs(X, Y, m, n));
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


// JavaScript program to implement
// the above approach
// Function to return the count of pairs
function countPairs(X, Y, m, n)
    let suffix = Array.from({length: 1005}, (_, i) => 0);
    let total_pairs = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // Compute suffix sums till i = 3
    for(let i = 1e3; i >= 3; i--)
        suffix[i] += suffix[i + 1];
    for(let i = 0; i < m; i++)
        // Base Case: x = 0
        if (X[i] == 0)
            // No valid pairs
        // Base Case: x = 1
        else if (X[i] == 1)
            // Store the count of 0's
            total_pairs += suffix[0];
        // Base Case: x = 2
        else if (X[i] == 2)
            // Store suffix sum upto 5
            total_pairs += suffix[5];
        // Base Case: x = 3
        else if (X[i] == 3)
            // Store count of 2 and
            // suffix sum upto 4
            total_pairs += suffix[2] +
        // For all other values of x
            total_pairs += suffix[X[i] + 1];
        // For all x >=2, every y = 0
        // and every y = 1 makes a valid pair
        total_pairs += suffix[0] + suffix[1];
    // Return the count of pairs
    return total_pairs;
// Driver code
    let X = [ 10, 19, 18 ];
    let Y = [ 11, 15, 9 ];
    let m = X.length;
    let n = Y.length;
    document.write(countPairs(X, Y, m, n));
// This code is contributed by susmitakundugoaldanga.



Time Complexity: O(N) 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)