Find the last element of a list in scala

In Scala, list is defined under scala.collection.immutable package. A list is a collection of same type elements which contains immutable data. we generally use last function to print last element of a list.

Below are the examples to find the last element of a given list in Scala.

  • Simply print last element of a list

    // Scala program to find the last element of a given list 
    import scala.collection.immutable._
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method 
        def main(args:Array[String]) 
            // Creating and initializing immutable lists 
            val mylist: List[String] = List("Beginner", "For"
                                    "Beginner", "is", "best"
            // Display the last value of mylist
            println("Last element is: " + mylist.last) 



    Last element is: best


  • Print last element of a list using for loop

    // Scala program to find the last element of a given list
    // using for loop 
    import scala.collection.immutable._
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method 
        def main(args:Array[String]) 
            // Creating and initializing immutable lists 
            val mylist: List[String] = List("Beginner", "For"
                                            "Beginner", "is",
                                    "a", "fabulous", "portal")
            // Display the last value of mylist using for loop 





  • Print last element of a list using foreach loop

    // Scala program to find the last element of a given list
    // using foreach loop 
    import scala.collection.immutable._
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method 
        def main(args:Array[String]) 
            // Creating and initializing immutable lists 
            val mylist = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
            print("Original list is: ")
            // Display the value of mylist using for loop 
            mylist.foreach{x:Int => print(x + " ") }
            // calling last function
            println("\nLast element is: " + mylist.last)



    Original list is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
    Last element is: 6