Fix McFly Error in Garuda Linux

McFly is a simple CLI tool written in Rust programming language that replaces the default Ctrl+r Bash history search with an intelligent search engine. It helps you to find all previously entered commands and does not include failed commands.

If you know about CLI(Command line interface) mode then you should probably hear about the reverse search function in Bash (Bash is a command processor that typically runs in a text window). The keyboard shortcut to do a reverse search in Bash is Ctrl+r. Using bash reverse search, we can bring up all commands which are previously executed without having to re-type them every time.  That was all about McFly.

If you had installed Garuda Linux and you faced a McFly error on each of your commands on your Linux Terminal then this article is for you. In this article, we will show you how we fix our “McFly upgrade to DB3…” error on Garuda KDE.

McFly error looks like this:

McFly: Upgrading McFly DB to version 3, please wait…thread ‘main’ panicked at ‘McFly error: Unable to add cm d_tpl to commands (duplicate column name: cmd_tpl)’, src/history/

Note: Run with the RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace. 

Generally, the ls command is used in listing contents inside a directory. But this time along with a list of content, we got a Mcfly error on our terminal screen as shown in the below image. 

McFly Error

The error is due to improper installation of the Garuda Linux files system on your pc. Your system may not find McFly files in your Home directory. so we are going to clone mcfly files (Manually) in our home directory. 

Fix McFly error 

To fix this issue you have to copy Manually McFly Files in your ~(Home) Directory. Copy all the ‘.’ started commands to your terminal.

Step 1: Open the terminal in the home Directory. for this, Go to your terminal and type cd ~, and then hit Enter. 

cd ~

Change Directory

Command Explain: cd (change Directory) is used to change the directory. Tilde(~) represents a Home directory and backslash(/) represents the root directory. To confirm you are on the correct path please type pwd in your terminal.

Cross Check the working Directory

Command Explain: pwd (Present working directory). The pwd command writes to standard output the full path name of your current directory. (Instead of deepak you will find your username).

For cloning, we need git as a prerequisite.

Note:  if you have already installed git. And you can skip step 2.

Installing Git

Step 2: To install git, copy the below command to your terminal shell. Pacman (Primary package manager for garuda).

sudo pacman -S git

it will ask for permission then Press y and Enter.

Installing Git

Additional: For Crosscheck, it is correctly installed or not? type git –version in your terminal.

git --version

Check git version

Clone Git Repository

Step 3: to Clone the Git repository copy the below command and pastes it to your Terminal.

git clone

Clone repository using git

Step 4 Rename McFly to .mcfly

now, our final step is to rename mcfly to .mcfly for this, we will type mv mcfly .mcfly in your terminal.

mv mcfly .mcfly

Rename mcfly

Error solved

After following all steps, your error will be solved. Now on each command, you will get rid of the McFly error.

Error Fixed

We had to try out the Easiest way to fix the McFly error in Garuda Linux. if still you face any issues feel free to ask in the comment section.