Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-I | 1 Year Experienced

Round 1:

Machine Coding – 30 mins discussion on problem statement, 3hrs to implement, another 1 – 1.5 hrs discussion on solution, with test cases.

Design Covid-19 Vaccination Booking System

Features include :

  • Onboarding states, districts, wards, vaccination centers, slots
  • Users registering themselves with unique documentation.
  • Proper Search functions to help user, find slots, centres, wards in city.
  • List bookings and center data.

The question was implementation heavy, we needed to make sure we take care of abrupt input and edge cases, and there were a lot of these cases coming up.

A similar kind of implementation-based question can be – https://workat.tech/machine-coding/practice/design-library-management-system-jgjrv8q8b136.

The inputs/commands were very similar to the one in the article.

Round 2(DSA): 45 Minutes

  1. Given an array of positive and negative numbers. You have to find the maximum product of 3 numbers
    Input : [9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -8, 10]
    Output : 450 (10 * 9 * 5)
    Input : [-9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -8, 10]
    Output : 720 (10 * -9 * -8)


    – Sort the array and the answer will be max(product of last 3 numbers OR product of first 2 numbers with last one)

    Time: O(n Log n)

    – Traverse the array and store the max 3 numbers and min 2 numbers in variables. Answer will be max(max1 * max2 * max3, max1 * min 1 * min2).

    Time: O(n)

  2. Given Flight Routes with a source, we need to find the destination. A destination is the airport which does not has a route to some other airport.

    There can me multiple airports which do not have a route to some other airport, but the destination airport should be reachable from the source.

    A destination airport will always exist.

    Input : [A,B] [B,C] [C,D] [E,F], Source = A
    Output : D

    No route after D. F also does not have a route to another aiport, but F cannot be arrived from the source, so it cannot be the answer.

    Input : [A,B] [B,C] [C,D] [C,E] [E,D], Source = A
    Output : D
    A(source)-B-C  -  D
                \   /

    There is not route after D, so D will be the destination.


    Creating the graph, and then doing a DFS call from source till we find a node that has no children. That node will be the answer.

    Time – O(n), n is the number of airports

    I used a hashmap to build the graph like adjacency list.

    There was discussion on other ways of building the graph that could be space optimised.

  3. Given a positive number N, generate the score for that number, where N can be represented as sum of 2 numbers A and B, and score is summation of all permutations of [Score(A) + Score(B)].

    A and B combined must be unique. (Ex : 1 & 3 is same as 3 & 1)

    Input : 3
    Output : 3
    Input : 5
    Output : 14


    This is a 1D DP problem, where score of N can be calculated in a bottom up manner, by calculating the scores for the numbers less than N.

    Example :
    1 => 1 (Base case)
    2 : 1 + 1 => Score(1) + Score(1) = 2
    3 : 1 + 2 => Score(1) + Score(2) = 3
    4 : 1 + 3 => Score(1) + Score(3) = 4
    2 + 2 => Score(2) + Score(2) = 4
    = 4 + 4 = 8
    5 : 1 + 4 => Score(1) + Score(4) = 9
     : 2 + 3 => Score(2) + Score(3) = 5
     = 9 + 5 = 14
    6 : 1 + 5 => Score(1) + Score(5) = 15
     : 2 + 4 => Score(2) + Score(4) = 10
     : 3 + 3 => Score(3) + Score(3) = 6
     = 15 + 10 + 6 = 31

    >We just needed make a 1D array from 1 to N, and traverse from 1 filling the values and finally return Score(N).

    Time: O(n^2)

Some people had 2 DSA rounds, but my round went pretty well, so they cut down 1 round for me.

Although the questions seemed on the easy-mediumish side, but with 45 mins in hand out of which 10 mins were spent in intro and basic projects/roles discussion, solving 3 questions in about 30 mins made it a bit difficult.

Round 3(Hiring Manager/Cultural Fitment): 1 Hour

  1. Asked me about the roles in previous org.
  2. Explain a very high level architecture of the things I work on.
  3. Choice of language/framework and reasons.
  4. Choice of DB (SQL / NoSQL) and why. (Deep Discussion)
  5. Caching Concepts with deep Discussion.
  6. Discussion on Projects.
  7. Situation when I proved myself more towards customer oriented.
  8. Situation when I had disagreements with team and how did I handle.
  9. Situation when I went out of the way to do something.
  10. Greatest Achievement till now for me.
  11. How to handle a situation when customer requirements are misaligned with business demands.
  12. Steps you take to show up team work.

Verdict: Selected

Be consistent and have patience, things will work and you will land where you want.