Flipkart Interview Experience | Set 19 (For SDET)

  • Telephonic 1:-
    1. Given string s and string t find whether all permutation of t is present as a substring in s.
    2. Find kth node from last in single linked list
  • F2F 1:-

    Deep discussion about automation framework and project.

  • F2F 2:-
  • F2F 3:-
    • Discussion about the project.
    • How will test a feature assuming you cant have production data in QA.
    • What are shorting of above.
  • F2F 4:-
    • Given a login page come up with all possible test case from the login API point of view and UI point of view.
    • Given two string find whether two are an anagram of each other or not. Write clean and runnable java code with covering all possible test cases.

All Practice Problems for Flipkart !