Flutter – Android Studio Not Showing Project Files

There are a couple of errors that come up while making an Android app. Making the project requires less time rather than debugging the same project with errors. One such error is that when we develop a project and when we open it after a few days it does not show us the files present in the folder, assets folder, pubspec.yaml, and various other files do not appear on Android Studio IDE. There are various reasons why this type of error occurs. Here are the few steps stated to troubleshoot the project.

Reason 1:

First Reason could be that you have not properly stated the correct directory of the project. So in that case you can open the Android Studio and go to the open project options. There it would help if you took care that you choose the correct directory and then open it.

Reason 2:

Corrupt Files: There is a high possibility that your project files get corrupted while making the project. To troubleshoot this type of error there is no other option than copying the code of each directory and pasting them into the new project.

Reason 3:

Android Studio Indexing Issue: There is a possibility that your Android Studio’s indexing process has not yet been completed. To fix this type of issue you can go to the “File ” option at the top left of the Android Studio there you can see the option of “Invalid Caches” then click the option “Invalidate and restart”.

Reason 4:

Project Files: There could be only the last possibility left that your project files are not included in the Android Studio. For resolving this Move to the “Project” option on the left side of Android Studio. Then bedside there would be the dropdown arrow, just click here and there will appear various options such as “Project Files, Project Source files, Project Non-Source files, Test Production, Open Files “. Then from these options stated you have to select the “Project Files” option and all the files of your project will get displayed on the Android Studio.

Suppose the Android studio appears like this when you open the Flutter project and you don’t get the lib folder, pubspec.yaml files, assets folder. So simply check if those files exist on the local PC. Then you have to go to the project option on the top left side under the file option.


Then you have to go to the project files option like the image shown above.


Now all the project files and directories get to appear like this.