Force netcat to send messages immediately (without buffering) in Linux

Netcat, also known as “nc,” is a tool that helps devices communicate with each other. It’s handy for sharing information over the internet. Initially made for Unix-like systems, it’s now crucial for checking networks, securing data transfers, and assessing network security. A key thing about Netcat is that it can make two-way communication happen. It can effectively transfer data between two systems and support various applications. Because it’s easy to use, many IT professionals find it essential for fixing network issues or checking security.

How to send Messages using Netcat?

In this section, we will see how we can send messages traditionally using Netcat. Using this approach, there can be buffering while sending messages which we will resolve in the below section.

Step 1: Install Netcat in Linux.

Before using Netcat for communication, it’s important to ensure that Netcat is installed on both the sending and receiving systems. Many Linux distributions facilitate the installation of Netcat through package managers like apt or yum. Here’s an example:

$ sudo apt-get install netcat # On Debian or Ubuntu
$ sudo yum install nc # For Red Hat/CentOS

Among the two you can install ‘netcat-traditional‘, by using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install netcat-traditional

Step 2: Setting Up the Server on the Host Machine with a Specific Port

To set up the receiving system, initiate Netcat in server mode by listening on a designated port. For instance, you can execute the following command to listen on port 12345:


$ nc -l -p <port>


$ nc -l -p 12345

Step 3: Connection with Client Server

To establish a connection from the sending system to the server’s IP address and port, use the following command: Once the connection is established, data can be transmitted from the client to the server.


$ nc -l -p <port>


$ nc 12345

Step 4: Send Messages Using Netcat

Once the connection is established, both the client and server can send and receive data. using the netcat we can send the message immediately without buffering one end to another end as you can see in the below output.

How to Force Netcat to send messages immediately (without buffering)?

In this section, we will see two different approaches/methods to force Netcat to send messages immediately without encountering the buffering issue while communicating.

  • Method 1: Using ‘-n’ and ‘-N’ options with ‘echo’
  • Method 2: Using ‘unbuffered’ command

Let’s explore each of the methods in detail.

Method 1: Using ‘-n’ and ‘-N’ options with ‘echo’

Step 1: First open the terminal of your Linux System by pressing the shortcut key as “CTRL + ALT + T“.

Step 2: Run the following command to execute the method:

$ echo -n "Your message" | nc -n -N <destination_ip> <port_number>

Replace <destination_ip> with the destination IP address and <port_number> with the target port number.

Method 2: Using the ‘unbuffered’ command

Step 1: So to execute this method Ensure the expected package is installed. If not, install it –

$ sudo apt-get install expect   # For Debian/Ubuntu

Step 2: Open your terminal, Execute the following command –

$ unbuffer echo "Your message" | nc <destination_ip> <port_number>

Replace <destination_ip> with the destination IP address and <port_number> with the target port number.

Advantages of Sending Messages immediately using Netcat

Forcing Netcat to send messages immediately, without buffering, offers several advantages that contribute to improved real-time communication and enhanced user experience:

  1. Real-Time Communication without Delays: Immediate message transmission ensures real-time communication, eliminating delays and allowing information to be exchanged instantly. This is crucial for applications where timely updates are essential.
  2. Minimized Latency for Quicker Data Exchange: By bypassing buffering mechanisms, Netcat reduces latency, enabling quicker and more efficient data exchange between systems. This is particularly beneficial in scenarios where low latency is critical, such as live streaming or interactive applications.
  3. Prompt and Timely Sharing of Information: The absence of buffering ensures that messages are sent promptly as soon as they are generated. This timely sharing of information is advantageous in situations where quick dissemination of data is paramount, such as in emergency response systems.
  4. Swift Dissemination of Time-Sensitive Updates: Applications requiring time-sensitive updates, like financial transactions or live event broadcasting, benefit from Netcat’s immediate message delivery. It ensures that critical information reaches the intended recipients swiftly.
  5. Enhanced User Experience with Smoother, Responsive Interactions: For interactive applications or systems with user interfaces, the elimination of buffering results in smoother and more responsive interactions. Users experience reduced lag, leading to a more satisfying and seamless overall user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on Netcat – FAQs

What is the impact of the TCP Nagle algorithm on Netcat messaging?

Using the -n option to disable the Nagle algorithm means that messages can be sent faster without buffering, reducing latency and facilitating faster messaging.

Can Netcat handle TCP and UDP connections?

Yes, netcat is versatile and can handle both TCP and UDP connections. This choice is determined by the specific requirements of the communication.

Is there any vulnerability in Netcat to turn off the TCP Nagle algorithm?

Disabling the Nagle algorithm may reduce latency, but may result in smaller packets being sent over the network and, in some cases, decreased performance. Consider the trade-offs for your particular use case.


In conclusion, the -n option on the Netcat command provides a great way to bypass the TCP Nagle algorithm and ensure fast message delivery. This feature is especially useful in instant messaging and scenarios requiring low latency, improving the responsiveness and efficiency of data transfer on the network. The -n option allows the user to prioritize fast messaging, adapting Netcat to the needs of a fast environment without interrupting critical communications.