Forcepoint Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2024

Online Test-

The online test consisting of 37 questions was conducted on Mettl. The question distribution is as follows:

1 – Coding question, relatively easy

16 – Computer Fundamentals, easy

5 – Statistics

5 – English Grammar

5 – Analytical Questions

5 – Math solving (train speed, probability etc.)

Round 1-

Data Structures, Puzzles, Projects, Deadlocks, OOP

This round focused primarily on the projects, and experience along with fundamental CS questions. My round started with the obligatory speak about yourself followed by explaining any one of my projects and along with that what problem I had faced and how did I solve it. Here, if you have any project/experience in networking or cyber security domain, then it is definitely going to be a plus point. Even if you don’t ensure it is an interesting project that you have enough to talk about.

Next, we shifted to Puzzle questions. I was asked the following questions:

1. Given 8 balls where 7 are equal weight and 1 is heavier. Find a way to retrieve heavier balls in the least possible steps. You are given a weighing scale.

2. What is the angle between minute hand and hour hand at 3:15

I got very close to answering the first one and correctly answered the second one. At every point ensure you are conveying your thought process behind solving and if needed ask for a minute to think, it’s ok. Refer to w3wiki for these puzzles.

Next up I was asked what data structures I was most comfortable with. Be honest here, tell the data structures you are actually comfortable with and not just for the sake of it. I said Array, Linked List, Trees. Next, I was asked if I had used Tree DS in any one of my projects, which I did use in one of my web apps where I had to render a reddit-like comment thread. You may or may not have a use case for every DS, it is ok if you make one scenario up on the spot, ensure it is believable and don’t give the interviewer any chance to doubt otherwise.

Next up I was asked to share my screen and code a solution for reversing a Linked List in my editor and language of choice. Ask prerequisites beforehand, and then start coding. Don’t be quiet, convey your thought process as you write each line of code. If the interviewer sees you are not bluffing and knows your thing, he might just stop you midway and move on. So be confident, don’t bluff and if you face difficulty convey it. In general, this question is going to be easy. My friend was asked to code Merge and Quicksort, so they might ask for an algorithm as well.

Following this I was faced with a scenario and asked whether Linked List or Array was a better DS for that scenario. The scenario went something like this: I have around 900-1000 records and I wish to delete and insert elements at any position in the list. Naturally I went with Linked List and explained thoroughly why it is a better fit than an Array. Please explain your choice keeping in mind the scenarios said, and if needed explain your choice while recalling the scenario. The interviewer will try to persuade you to a different choice but stick to yours if you are confident about it, but also back it by the scenario given, don’t blindly deny.

I was then questioned thoroughly on OOP concepts. Be crystal clear, avoid sticking just to textbook definitions. The interviewer will try to twist the concepts, but stick your ground backed by examples.

I was next asked on the topic of deadlocks. Explain what it is, various techniques on how to avoid it, detect it, if needed rewind the situation. I wasn’t allowed to talk much about it, and we quickly moved on.

Finally, I was asked if I had some questions for him, which I did, and it was about one of their products. Go through their products and prepare a question for which the interviewer can answer. Appear interested in their products.

This round lasted about 50-60 minutes.

Round 2-

CPP, Resume, Projects

This round was completely on my resume. Be thorough and crystal clear with your resume and be ready to explain any and everything on it. I was asked about my past internships, one of my projects.

Gears then changed towards CPP where I was directly asked whether I know CPP or not and that none of my projects/internships include CPP. To which I replied I do know CPP and use it for my coursework and Leetcode. This was then followed by a question on Smart Pointers, which I thoroughly explained. So be prepared for modern CPP. I was also asked about design patterns and asked if I had implemented any in my projects or internships. This appeared enough for my interviewer, and I was told that my interview is done.

This round barely lasted 15 minutes.

HR Round-


This wasn’t even a formal interview round; it was more like an informal chat. I was asked about my interview experience in general and if there is anything that can be improved with the process. If you do have something to suggest, say it, but make sure it is not something ridiculous. I was asked about my hobbies beyond tech. This was followed by my choice of coding language. I then asked questions about the company’s WFH policy and collaboration with foreign offices. I was then asked about my travel (company’s office is in Thane). Put up a smile, appear interested, be interesting and answer in confidence, do not screw up here.

All the best!