FREE Python Course For Beginners

Whether you’re seeking a career in Machine Learning or Data Science or Website Development – the knowledge of Python Language is very much relevant in all these domains. And as it is widely used in numerous areas, Python is preferred by almost every tech giant out there such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc for their respective platforms or businesses.

Now, you must be thinking that if Python is enjoying such huge popularity and there are enormous opportunities for Python Developers across various tech domains – then why are the individuals not going with it? The reason is that a majority of the individuals, especially beginners, don’t know the actual roadmap of learning Python. They don’t know where to get started, what should they learn, what projects they need to develop, etc.

But….contentedly, to make things much easier for all the beginners – w3wiki is coming up with a striking opportunity, a Free Python Course for Beginners!

Course Details  

It is actually a workshop-based course which is designed in such a manner that it entails a variety of theory along with activities to let your child understand the foundations of Python. These theories and activities will be taught through a series of workshops in a most interesting and exciting way.

The course has already been started on January 05, 2021, and you can directly register for the course from here.

Course Content

The detailed content that will be provided in this free limited-time workshop is as follows:  

Day 1: First Byte of Python

  • Installation of Python
  • Your first program in Python
  • Using Python to perform mathematical Computation
  • Programming Style and documentation

    • Proper spacing
    • Comments and Comments style
  • Programming Errors:

    • Syntax Errors
    • Runtime Errors
    • Logical Errors

Day 2: Reading User’s Mind

  • Variables and values
  • Reading input from the user
  • Multiple Assignment
  • Simultaneous assignment

Day 3:  Numbers can be Operated

  • Numbers
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Real-life application of Operators

Day 4:  Code is Choosy If…

  • Why Selection statements?
  • if statement explanation with flow chart
  • Comparison operators
  • Boolean type
  • if-else statement with flow chart
  • if-elif-else statement with flow chart

Day 5: Going Loopy n Loopy n Loopy…

  • Why loops?
  • For loop with examples
  • While loop with flow chart
  • For loop vs while loop
  • Activity: Guess number game

Day 6: Loops in Mathematics

  • Application of Loops in mathematics

    • Finding factors of the number
    • Greatest common divisor of two numbers
    • Implementing Euclid algorithm for GCD
    • Primality test of the given number
  • break and continue statements

Day 7: Recycling code with Functions

  • Why Functions?
  • Introduction to functions

    • Defining functions
    • Calling functions
    • Functions with or without return values
  • Implementing previous codes with functions
  • Common functions in python: abs(), max(), min(), pow(), round()
  • Mathematical python functions: floor(), ceil(), sqrt()

Day 8: Useful modules

  • How modules are useful?
  • time module

    • time.time()
    • time.ctime()
    • time.sleep()
  • Activity: Scheduling Interval
  • os module

    • creating directory
    • changing current working directory
    • removing directory
    • listing files and sub-directories
    • renaming a file
  • Activity: Rename all

Day 9: Playing Strings without music

  • Definition of String
  • Creating Strings
  • Functions for Strings

    • len()
    • max()
    • min()
  • Index operator
  • Slicing operator
  • The Concatenation (+) and Repetition (*) Operators
  • The in and not in Operators
  • Comparing Strings
  • Searching for substring

    • endswith()
    • startwith()
    • find()
    • rfind()
    • count()
  • Converting strings

    • capitalize()
    • lower()
    • upper()
    • title()
    • swapcase()
    • replace()
  • Activity: Palindrome strings

Day 10: What’s next in the List

  • Need of Lists?
  • Creating Lists
  • Functions for Lists
  • Index Operator [ ]
  • The +, *, and in/not in Operators
  • Traversing Elements in a For Loop

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Will I get any certification after the completion of the course?

Ans. Yes, once the course is completed and the certificate criteria are achieved, candidates will be able to access the course completion certificate. To get certificates, one needs to score at least 40 marks overall.

Q2. Who are eligible to register for this course?

Ans. The course is open to each and every student, without any charges, who wants to get started with Python in a fun and entertaining way.

Q3. How can I register for the course?

Ans. You need to sign up for the workshop course by clicking on the registration link provided above or you can do it from the official course page as well.

Q4.  Is there doubt support available in this program?

Ans. No, this program doesn’t have doubt solving support. However, the entire course is designed in such a way that it will solve all your queries within the lecture videos themselves.

Needless to say, Python is currently dominating the tech world and has all the potential to rule in the upcoming times as well. So, what are you waiting for? Join us for this exciting 5-Week Journey and Get Started with Python in a most-interesting way!