From Failing in Mathematics to IIIT Delhi Career Journey

My educational journey began in a private school in NCR Delhi, where I navigated the challenges of early academics. However, in Class 7, I faced a setback—I failed in mathematics. The culprit? Hours spent engrossed in games like GTA Vice City, San Andreas, and Prince of Persia. These adventures, while captivating, led to a disconnect with my studies, especially in mathematics.

Recognizing the need for change, my family decided to switch me to a government school in Delhi. This transition marked a turning point. By Class 8, I not only regained my academic footing but excelled, earning the second-highest marks in mathematics and witnessing a substantial overall improvement in my grades compared to my earlier struggles.

As I progressed through Classes 9 to 12, my interest in mathematics and the sciences blossomed. Yet, it wasn’t until Class 10 that I set a definitive goal for myself: to join the prestigious National Defence Academy (NDA). The NDA, a beacon for many in the NCR region, represented a dream of service and honor in the Indian Armed Forces.

Undeterred by the challenges, I embarked on rigorous preparation for the NDA exams, attempting them thrice between 2022 and 2023. Despite clearing the written exams, the SSB interviews posed hurdles. Each setback was a lesson in resilience and the need for contingency plans.

Recognizing the importance of having a backup, I also prepared for the JEE Main examination in 2023. This decision proved pivotal as setbacks in the NDA journey redirected my focus towards engineering entrance exams.

The results were humbling yet motivating. Despite missing admission to IIT Delhi, I secured a rank of around 17,000 in both JEE Main and Advanced. This twist of fate led me to IIIT Delhi, where I embarked on my engineering journey—a path shaped by challenges, setbacks, and unwavering determination.

Today, as I reflect on my journey, I see the value in every twist and turn. From gaming distractions to academic triumphs, from military aspirations to engineering dreams, each phase shaped me into the resilient and focused individual I am today—a student of IIIT Delhi, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


  • Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives early on and work towards them with dedication.
  • Adapt and Learn: Embrace setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, adapting your strategies accordingly.
  • Have a Backup Plan: Always have a backup plan in place to pivot towards if your primary goal faces obstacles.
  • Stay Resilient: Maintain a resilient attitude, facing challenges with determination and perseverance.
  • Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from mentors or professionals in your field of interest.


  • Don’t Give Up Easily: Avoid giving up at the first sign of difficulty; persistence often leads to success.
  • Avoid Overlooking Alternatives: Explore alternative paths or opportunities if your initial plans face roadblocks.
  • Don’t Underestimate Preparation: Proper preparation and planning are key to achieving your goals; don’t underestimate their importance.
  • Avoid Distractions: Minimize distractions, such as excessive gaming or non-productive activities like relationships , that can hinder your progress.
  • Don’t Fear Failure: Failure is a part of the journey; don’t let it discourage you but use it as a stepping stone towards improvement.